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Deployment is tough for me not going to lie so this page will not be the definitive guide to deployment but rather a documentation of all stuff I tried doing to get Django working the first step is trying to get it deployed in Ucd server.
Step 1:
First step I tried to do was to update all the packages and security patches using the command
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
I did not have the privilege for it so might use sudo and see if it will work but that will be only in later stage. Next I change the host name by using the command
hostnamectl set-hostname dublin-bus
To change the hostname to dublin-bus. If we type 'hostname' now it should display 'dublin-bus'.
Step 2:
Set host name
Next we got /etc/ and edit the host file. The backup file is like this: localhost mastervm-c-ryan.ucd.ie mastervm-c-ryan
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
The edited file is like this localhost mastervm-c-ryan.ucd.ie mastervm-c-ryan dublin-bus
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
To edit is to add our server IP name then host-name so we add dublin-bus. If the edit requires root address add sudo vim filename.
Step 3:
Usually, we should create a new user who doesn't have admin privileges but since we are using UCD server we are already are user will less privilage. To create new user type
adduser user_name
and follow the prompts. then to allow new user to use sudo we use
adduser user_name sudo
Now logout and login as a new user using ssh
Step 4:
SSH login via key authentication
We need to do key-based authentication as it is faster and safer as it cannot be brute-forced and much more convenient.Also good for running remote scripts.
Go to home folder and make a directory called '.ssh'
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
Now if we do 'ls -la' we see that .ssh folder is made in home directory.
Now open up your local terminal in your local machine and type the following commands
ssh-keygen -b 4096
4096 makes the stuff more secure now it will ask location to save I'll leave it in default location and then it will ask for a passphrase we can use anything but I decided to leave it blank and it will generate all the stuff.
and we see this
Your identification has been saved in /Users/sachinsoman/.ssh/id_rsa. ---> the private ket
Your public key has been saved in /Users/sachinsoman/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. ---> public key
So we need to put our public key in the server so that we can log in to the server without a password. Now we need to send the public key to the server we can do this using 'scp' command
so it will be
scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub student@
so SCP our local host location of public key then our server username@ip_address:location where we store it. This will upload the document to given location. After that, we need to set the permissions. We need to give the owner of the directory read, write and execute permission while the file will have read, write permissions. so we execute
700 ~/.ssh
600 ~/.ssh/*
where hundredth place stands for the owner, tens place stands for group and ones place stands for everyone else (700) Now we can log in without any password. Now we can disable password-based authentication but it is not a good idea as we have other members using the server. But for knowledge sake we will put it here. We can do that by configuring ssh config file.
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and change two stuff
- PermitRootLogin yes to no
- PasswordAuthentication set to no (it is initially commented first uncomment it)
sudo apt-get install ufw
I will not make any firewall changes until talking to the admin as I don't want to lock everyone out but what we should do is first allow outgoing and allow ssh and http otherwise we lock ourself out.
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incomming
sudo ufw allow ssh
Later we will allow http over the port 80.
Also for testing we can have ufw allow port 8000 (sudo ufw allow 8000)
To enable all the stuff do
sudo ufw enable
Quick tip use
sudo ufw status
to see all available ports we will use port 8000 for testing.
Now we push our application before that we generate a requirments.txt and use it to install all dependencies so activate the environment then
pip freeze > requirments.txt
Now use scp to upload the files
scp -r dublin_bus_official student@
so scp recursive take directory dublin_bus_official and paste it to our vm
Now install python and python venv
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
NOTE in our case we needed to install venv for python 3.7
apt install python3.7-venv
now run
python3 -m venv dublin_bus_official/venv
Ie create a environment call venv in dublin_bus_official, We can install venv where ever we want. Now activate our environment with
source venv/bin/activate
Now run pip install using our requirments.txt by
pip install -r requirements.txt
May need to run sudo apt-get install python3.6-gdbm
and pip install pandas
Now we need to do some modifications to our djangos settings.py so vim there go to allowed host and put it in a string format.so ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']
now add this line STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'static')
after that run python manage.py collectstatic
Now finally run
python manage.py runserver
Now go to browser and put ipaddress:8000 and voila we have website yaay!!!
Now the deployment above was on django server for development purposes. We need to use something like Apache or Nginx for real deployment. Step 1:we will start of by installing Apache2
. so
sudo apt-get install apache2
Step 2:
Now install mod-wsgi by
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
Now we need to configure apache server. Now cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
this is where all the cofigs are store if we look at the files there are already some default files present there we will just create another file by copying one of the configs
sudo cp 000-default.conf django_dublin_bus.conf
we will edit it using vim so vim django_dublin_bus.conf
we see something like this in the beginning <VirtualHost *:80>
this means port 80 is used for http so whenever we put ip address of our server we will follow the following rules. It is a handful so I will write it line by line with explanation and then the final config file itself.
so all the things we about add is just above </VirtualHost>
The first thing we going to do is add an alias to our static file so it is
Alias /static /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/static
So go to our project directory where our static file is located. Now provide permission for the files by writting the following lines of codes.
<Directory /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/static>
Require all granted
Next, we need to do something similar for our media folder as well
Alias /media /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/media
<Directory /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/media>
Require all granted
Next, we need to give access to the wsgi.py
file. As Apache is going to talk to our app via wsgi.py
so that will be
<Directory /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/dublin_bus>
<Files wsgi.py>
Require all granted
Now we need to say how we are going to handle the wsgi. As per Django docs DAEMON mode is the preferred method
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/dublin_bus/wsgi.py
# dublin_bus will be the process name
#venv points to location of virtual environment
WSGIDaemonProcess dublin_bus python-path=/home/student/dublin_bus_official/django_server python-home=/home/student/dublin_bus_official/venv
#process group will same as daemon process
WSGIProcessGroup dublin_bus
so the full thing would look like this
Alias /static /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/static
<Directory /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/static>
Require all granted
Alias /media /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/media
<Directory /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/media>
Require all granted
<Directory /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/dublin_bus>
<Files wsgi.py>
Require all granted
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/student/dublin_bus_offical/django_server/dublin_bus/dublin_bus/wsgi.py
WSGIDaemonProcess dublin_bus python-path=/home/student/dublin_bus_official/django_server python-home=/home/student/dublin_bus_official/venv
WSGIProcessGroup dublin_bus
Next, save the document and run the config file to enable the site through apache so apache2 enable site the project
sudo a2ensite django_dublin_bus.conf
After that disable default site by running which is 000-default and we saw it to had a config file
sudo a2dissite 000-default
Next we need to give access for apache to our other resources like our database, media folder with read and write permission.
sudo chown :www-data /home/student/dublin_bus_official/django_server/dublin_bus/db.sqlite3
chown changes the owner of the directory www-data is the apache user. Basically make apache the group owner on the file
after that chnage permission
sudo chmod 664 /home/student/dublin_bus_official/django_server/dublin_bus/db.sqlite3
Next change owner of entire project directory by
sudo chown :www-data dublin_bus_official/
We need to do this for media folder and static files as well.
sudo chown -R :www-data /home/student/dublin_bus_official/django_server/dublin_bus/media/
sudo chmod -R 775 /home/student/dublin_bus_official/django_server/dublin_bus/media
this will allow apach to write and read from media folder (-R for recursive)
Next we need to do the configuration for environment variable but we will write a config file instead. so make it
sudo touch /etc/config.json
Go to our settings.py in django_project and look for secret key and remove the secret key from the file to make the setting look like this SECRET_KEY =''.
Now go back to the config.json and write
Now vim into settings.py and add the following to load the json file
import json
with open('/etc/config.json') as config_file:
config = json.load(config_file)
and set your secret key as follows
Diable port 8000
sudo ufw delete allow 8000
restart apache server
sudo service apache2 restart
Read log files
sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log
- Django installation
- Django Project creation
- Package Directories
- Hello,World
- Setting up projects
- Routing
- Templating
- Django templating Engine syntax
- Passing variable to template
- Template inheritance
- Static file linking
- Admin page
- Django ORM
- Making DB
- ORM based queries
- Django Model set
- Use of ORM DB with Django