Table of contents
- Overview
- Project Structure
- Getting started
- Citing this project
The purpose of this project was to experiment with the application
of deep reinforcement learning to recommendation systems.
More specifically, this project applies Stable-Baselines
algorithms to the MovieLens 100k
data set.
To that end, the goal of the agent is to predict what rating
a user
will give to a given movie
The simulator is set up as a POMDP problem, using OpenAI's Gym framework as the base class.
The reward scheme is based on prediction accuracy:
The observation is based on derived features from the MovieLens data set:
- user_mean: Average rating given by a specific user_id
- movie_mean: Average rating for a specific movie_id
- movie_genre_bucket: One-hot of the movie type
- age_bucket: One-hot of user's age range
- occupation_bucket: One-hot of the user's job
- gender_bucket: One-hot of the user's gender (only M or F)
The Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm is chosen to be the agent, since the recommendation problem is stateless (or single-state), thereby making a policy-base approach, opposed to a value-based, more appropriate.
Understanding that a given state does not impact future states in this problem,
An Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is chosen for the agent's function approximator. Given the feature set is relatively small (~51 features), MLP with 2x layers of 64 neurons is sufficient and does not appear to lead to overfitting.
Two features provide the agent with an unfair advantage when making predictions:
- Average user rating
- Average movie rating
When collecting these features, the averages are taken over the entire
data set to prevent a
data/ ...MovieLens 100k data set
envs/ ...MDP style environment extending GYM
tests/ ...test cases for utilities and GYM ...helper functions for downloading data and evaluating the environment ...entry point for running experiments
requirements.txt ...project dependencies
- Clone the project
git clone
- Create a virtual environment
cd recommendation-gym # change to project directory
virtualenv -p python3 venv # create the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate # start using the venv
- Install the project and its dependencies
pip3 install -e . # execute command inside install directory
- Run an experiment
python3 --training_steps=100000 --evaluation-steps=10000
Refer to
for all the flags.
author = {Jonathan Sadighian},
title = {Recommendation Gym for MovieLens},
year = {2019},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},