Invest Master is a comprehensive platform for buying and exploring cryptocurrency. It features a user-friendly interface, real-time market data, and seamless payment gateway integration.
- Installation
- Usage
- Technologies Used
- Dependencies
- Deployment
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Admin Dashboard
- User Management
- Self-Coin Page
- Homepage
- Crypto Page
- Compare Coins Page
- User Dashboard
- Screenshots
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install frontend dependencies:
cd front_end && npm install
- Install backend dependencies:
cd back_end && npm install
- Start the frontend application:
cd front_end && npm start
- Start the backend server:
cd back_end && npm start
Access the frontend application through http://localhost:3000.
Technologies Used in Frontend:
- React (^18.2.0): A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Chakra UI (^2.8.2): Component library for building accessible React applications.
- Material-UI (^5.15.0): React components implementing Google's Material Design.
- Axios (^1.6.2): Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
- Chart.js (^4.4.1): Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library.
- Framer Motion (^10.16.16): Animation library for React.
- Razorpay (^2.9.2): Payment gateway integration library.
- React Router DOM (^6.21.0): Declarative routing for React.
- Styled Components (^6.1.1): Styled components for React.
- Recharts (^2.10.3): Redefined chart library built with React and D3.
The backend server provides data for the frontend. It runs on http://localhost:3030.
Technologies Used in Backend:
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building server-side applications.
- Express: Web application framework for Node.js.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing and retrieving project-related data.
- @chakra-ui/react (^2.8.2)
- @emotion/react (^11.11.1)
- @emotion/styled (^11.11.0)
- @mui/icons-material (^5.15.0)
- @mui/joy (^5.0.0-beta.18)
- @mui/lab (^5.0.0-alpha.156)
- @mui/material (^5.15.0)
- @mui/styled-engine-sc (^6.0.0-alpha.8)
- @testing-library/jest-dom (^5.17.0)
- @testing-library/react (^13.4.0)
- @testing-library/user-event (^13.5.0)
- axios (^1.6.2)
- chart.js (^4.4.1)
- crypto (^1.0.1)
- framer-motion (^10.16.16)
- moment (^2.29.4)
- razorpay (^2.9.2)
- react (^18.2.0)
- react-chartjs-2 (^5.2.0)
- react-dom (^18.2.0)
- react-icons (^4.12.0)
- react-redux (^9.0.4)
- react-router-dom (^6.21.0)
- react-scripts (5.0.1)
- react-web-share (^2.0.2)
- recharts (^2.10.3)
- styled-components (^6.1.1)
- web-vitals (^2.1.4)
- bcrypt (^5.1.1)
- cookie-parser (^1.4.6)
- cors (^2.8.5)
- dotenv (^16.3.1)
- express (^4.18.2)
- jimp (^0.22.10)
- jsonwebtoken (^9.0.2)
- mongoose (^8.0.3)
- multer (^1.4.5-lts.1)
- nodemon (^3.0.2)
The frontend of CryptoCoinX is deployed on Versal. You can access the deployed application at Versal Frontend Link.
The backend server is hosted on Render.
CryptoCoinX integrates with PaymentGatewayName for seamless and secure transactions in test mode. Follow the payment gateway documentation for testing payments.