This is the VEX Tower Takeover (2019 - 2020) code for 211Z in VexCode Pro V5 Text! It includes pre-autonomous, autonomous routine with a prototype PID autonomous function, and driver control!
This repository represents the team 211Z from Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School (St. Catharines, Ontario).
VexCode Pro V5 Text 2.0.0 or later
- Make sure all the dependencies are installed
- Download the files
- Option 1: 🍴 Fork this repository!
- Option 2: 🧪 Clone the repository to your local machine using!
- Open 2019-2020_211Z_Code.v5code in VexCode to open the program
- Download the program to the brain by connecting the V5 Brain or controller to the device via micro-USB and select download. In both options, the V5 Brain must be on!
- Run the program by selecting it from the V5 Brain or pressing the play button in VexCode if the V5 Brain or controller is attached to the device via micro-USB.
- Contains all V5 Smart Motors set up
// [Name] [Type] [Port(s)]
// Controller1 controller
// RightBackDrive motor 17
// RightFrontDrive motor 18
// LeftBackDrive motor 14
// LeftFrontDrive motor 20
// TrayTilter motor 15
// IntakeArm motor 1
// RightIntake motor 13
// LeftIntake motor 10
- Autonomous for Unprotected Red Zone
- PID For Tray Tilter and PID prototype for drive base in autonomous
ColumnError = pow((TrayTilter.rotation(rotationUnits::deg) - ColumnDesired),3); //This calculates the error from desired value and current value
ColumnDerivative = ColumnError - ColumnPreviousError; //This find the difference between the current error and previous error
if (((TrayTilter.rotation(rotationUnits::deg) - ColumnDesired) < 5.0) && ((TrayTilter.rotation(rotationUnits::deg) - ColumnDesired) > -5.0)){
ColumnIntegral = 0; //We don't need integral if the error is within +/- 5
else { //If It isn't within +/- 5
ColumnIntegral += ColumnError;
TrayTilter.spin(reverse,(ColumnError * ColumnKP + ColumnDerivative * ColumnKD + ColumnIntegral * ColumnKI), voltageUnits::volt);
- Tank drive joystick/driver control
LeftBackDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() + (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
LeftFrontDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() + (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
RightBackDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() - (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
RightFrontDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() - (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
Sagar Patel | Saurin Patel |
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