This program is a script made for the free 3d creation sowtware that allows the user to create infinite flat maps, whith heights Visit: Blender 3D
######## ######## Functions ########
These are all functions and their arguments explained:
Function deform_lattice(map_width, map_height, min_height, max_height, add_height, variation_height, oLattice, Lattice, min_land, max_land, down_prob, stay_prob, up_prob, resolution_x, resolution_y):
This is the most important function in the script and it does generate a random map, with the following arguments given:
##Map_width It's the number of lattices in the x axis. This argument is needed since lattices can only be up to (64x,64y,64z) points. Map_width goes from 0 to infinite.
##Map_height Same as Map_width, but the number of lattices in the y axis. If Map_height > Map_width, Map_height does apply to the x axis. Map_height goes from 0 to infinite.
Min_height This argument gives the function the lower height possible. Min_height goes from -infinite to infinite, but it should to be less than Max_height.
##Max_height This argument gives the function the maximum height value possible. Max_height goes from -infinite to infinite, but it should to be greater than Min_height.
##Add_height This argument gives the function how much height variation goes from one point(x) to the next one. Add_height goes from 0 to infinite. Values lower than 0 may cause the program not to work properly.
##Variation_height This argument does limit the height between one point(y) to the next one. Add_height goes from 1 to infinite. Values lower than 1 may cause the program not to work properly.
##oLattice This argument should not be modified, since it is a List of the lattices' object data. Don't modify this unless you know what you are doing.
##Lattice Again, this argument should not be modified, as it is a List of the lattices' lattice data. Don't modify this unless you know what you are doing.
##Min_land This variable is the minimum percentage of land (points > 0 * 100 / total of points) to call the map as valid. Min_land goes from 0 to 100. It must be greater than Max_land, or blender will freeze.
##Max_land This variable is the maximum percentage of land (points > 0 * 100 / total of points) to call the map as valid. Max_land goes from 0 to 100. It must be greater than Min_land. Otherwise, blender will freeze.
If Max_land - Min_land is a very low value (<35) it may take a long time to create the map.
##Down_prob Down_prob is the probability that height(x) will be greater than the next height. Down_prob goes from 0 to infinite. Values lower than 0 may cause the program not to work properly.
##Stay_prob Stay_prob is the probability that height(x) will be the same as the next height. Stay_prob does modify height(x,y), height(x-1,y), height(x,-y), and height(-x,-y) Stay_prob goes from0 to infinite. Values lower than 0 may cause the program not to work properly.
##Up_prob Up_prob is the probability that height(x) will be lower than the next height. Up_prob goes from 0 to infinite. Values lower than 0 may cause the program not to work properly.
##Resolution_x Resolution_x is the number of points(x) the lattice has to modify the terrain. Rasolution_x goes from 1 to 64.
##Resolution_y Resolution_y is the number of points(y) the lattice has to modify the terrain. Rasolution_y goes from 1 to 64.
##oLattice This argument should not be modified, since it is a List of the lattices' object data. Don't modify this unless you know what you are doing.
##Lattice Again, this argument should not be modified, as it is a List of the lattices' lattice data. Don't modify this unless you know what you are doing.
Create_map has no arguments.
Create_map() just executes deform_lattice() If you want to modify any predefined value, please, do it in this function.