A chrome extension for clientside health check . A hackathon project that I worked on.
Today with the push towards microservices based architecture, your web client may end up calling different servers. This chrome extension provides an interface that you can call from your web page and it returns a bunch of information including which
- urls are accessible,
- whether your os / browser is supported and
- screen resolution is supported.
An example is provided in sample/sample.html
Have content in the following format. An example as shown below.
"whitelist": [
"screenResolution": {
"height": 768,
"width": 1024
"browserMatrix": [
"os": {
"name": "iOS",
"version": 7
"browser": {
"name": "Safari",
"version": 7
"os": {
"name": "iOS",
"version": 7
"browser": {
"name": "Chrome",
"version": 32
"os": {
"name": "MacOSX"
"browser": {
"name": "Chrome",
"version": 32
And do a window.postMessage({ type: "CONFIG_CHECK", text: content }, "*");
where content is the stringifed JSON object
to which the contentscript.js has a listener
Have an html element diagnosticsResponseDiv that will get updated with the results of the diagnosis.
Tons. This was a hackathon project. There is much left to clean up and refactor. I would love feedback on the code. There are many more checks that you could run. Always love to hear your thoughts / comments / feedback.