Plugin handles oAuth Authentication.
Your application is responsible for "Logging People In".
The plugin is responsible for the section in "Confirming Identity".
Helpful resources:
(1) Your application calls: GET{clientId}redirect_uri={redirect}&scope=email&auth_type=rerequest&state={UUID}
is your Facebook App IDredirect
is the path in your app facebook should call upon loginscope
is the list of rights you are asking for permission to access:
set this torerequest
, which prompts the user to choose the scope they'll accept each time -- otherwise, if they denied email on a prior attempt (which will lead to a login failure) and you reprompt them, their prior scope permissions will be remembered.state
is unique nounce to guard against cross-site requests (just make sure you actually check it on the way back)
For desktop / mobile native applications (including things like Ionic Framework), you might want to consider using
as your redirect_uri
If you are experimenting, drop the url into your browser with te develop console open to the network tab. You'll; get a log_success.html
. Look at the "Headers" tab and at the bottom you'll see the query string parameters, under which you should see code
(2) You will get back a response with parameters:
: your temporary key which you'll pass to the serverstate
: the state you passed to facebook - verify this matches what you're expecting
Alternatively, you'll get an error response:
(3) Your app should then POST /auth/oauth/login
with the body:
"domain":"org domain - this is optional",
"token":"the code from (2) above"
(4) The server will exchange the code for an authorization token and will perform a user create and/or login
- The token will be used to pull the user's profile
- If the user does not exist, s/he will be created and logged in
- If the user already exists (there's a domain/email combination that matches), s/he will be logged in
(5) A JWT token dictionary will be returned to the client (just like with auth-native-authority
- If the user is newly created, s/he will have the
flag set to true in their resulting JWT(s). isNew
state is only present on the user creation authentication, the state is not persisted anywhere so use it or lose it.
- Sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
- Fork the project; make your contribution (don't forget to write your unit-tests); do a pull request back to develop (pull updates frequently to not fall too far behind)
- Before heading off to work on something, considering collaborating first by either (1) opening an issue or (2) starting a conversation on gitter or in the Google forum that leads to back to (1)
- All work should be done against an issue (
- All contributions require unit-tests
- Use the linter (npm run lint) to verify you comply with the style guide