A generator utility for creating Laravel Projects
To install the package in a Laravel Project run the following command.
$ composer install alablaster/foreman
To publish the configuration file run:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider=="Alablaster\Foreman\ForemanServiceProvider"
In the config files you can define the base namespace. In an Laravel project this is App by default, though if you are creating a package is might be your package name, like "Alablaster\Foreman". Namespaces should be defined in studly case with for slashes.
The following commands and arguments are supported by Foreman. To generate a full entity run the following command:
$ php artisan foreman:entity Model --N=Path\To\Namespace --D=Domain
command | arguments | options | Notes |
foreman:controller | model | Namespace, Domain | |
foreman:entity | model | Namespace, Domain | Generates a model, migration, controller, factory, resource and request classes, and adds a route to the route file. |
foreman:factory | model | Namespace | |
foreman:migration | model | ||
foreman:resource | model | Namespace, Domain | Generates a Resource, a CollectionResource and a Collection Class. |
foreman:requests | model | Namespace, Domain | Generates both a Create and Update request class. |
foreman:route | model | Namespace, Domain | Can be run multiple times to add more routes to the routes file. |
After publishing the vendor files will generate a stubs
directory in the
base of the project. These templates can be modified to and used to
generate files using the Foreman commands.
In the template, passed variables can be accessed using a mustache like
sintax, for example {{ model }}
. Variables can be modified using a variety
of filters through a dot notation, for example {{ model.lowercase.plural }}.
This includes all of Laravel's Str class helpers. Additionally, it includes
, trailingForwardSlash
, trailingDot