Why another JS MVVM framework? Simple, other JS frameworks are not elegant and powerful enough:
minimal framework conventions, reduce boilerplate
very gentle learning curve ( our experiments show that beginner programmers without JS and JQuery experience become effective in a few days)
few, natural concepts: models, controllers, bind-able chains, watch chains from controllers, html views with bindings and specific attributes like shape-model, shape-ctrl, shape-context, custom attributes.
DECLARATIVE: produce disciplined, encapsulated code
is like Angular.js in some aspects but provides real MVVM (modify DOM not strings, extend HTML with controllers and attributes)
inspired by Adobe Flex for binding implementation (chains, PropertyChange, CollectionChange events)
TYPED models using an internal JavaScript DSL. Offers dynamic view injection and better error handling
clear separation between models (bindable properties), views (declarative html) and controllers (allowed to modify DOM elements, implement bindings and custom behavior)
inversion of control in a declarative way: automatically insert views in DOM using the type of the model
simple localisation: write views (simple html) in english, register localisations dictionaries for other languages (for whole english texts, not keys), select a different language and everything get translated
dynamic controllers: dynamic view injection, you can have multiple views for a single model instance, using shape-context attributes
<!-- declare a dynamic controller (the view will be injected on the type of model) Choose the view using the name of the context (shape-context attribute) or injects default view for user model if the context view doesn't exist --> <div shape-model="@user" shape-context="notLoggedIn" ></div>
watch and bind chains (@ means bind relative to current model)
<!-- instantiate a dynamic controller that automatically change the view at any change in the model eg chain: user.manager.address --> <div shape-model="@user.manager.address" ></div>
to create a list you just create a collection and declare an ul bindined to this colection
<!-- this create html to display a list of results in 'readonly' context --> <ul shape-model="@searchResult.list" shape-context="readonly"/>
each view and each controller have a model
automatic persistence for models (to JSON) with control: embedded or transient properties
add arbitrary expressions in html attributes: value="@user.name == 'John'"
if you know JQuery, you learn to create a new controller in 10 minutes
clear architecture, you start from views and models and discover your code
automatically insantiate controllers (declared in views)
events model that get transmitted in the controllers hierarchy that mimics the DOM structure
intuitive event model for auto-computed properties in models and for chains. Compact multiple,related events for speed and soundness.
cached dynamic controllers: like dynamic controllers but preserves the views for quick switches (tabs, etc)
ATTENTION for error handling, showing stack info, type information,etc (wprint, eprint, esprint, etc)
allready used in projects (the main core is stable by 1 year)
Todo example: https://github.com/salboaie/SwarmShape/tree/master/apps/todo Guide: start looking in views first and next models, controllers. How they are working together should be visible from views and models.
//declaration of a task class definition
meta:{ // optional
table:"Task", //where to save, not implemented!
pk:"id" // optional, primary key field
value:"no description yet"
View component (registered as task.render):
<!-- this components is controlled by "todo/taskLine" controller -->
<div class="view" shape-ctrl='todo/taskLine'>
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" shape-model = "@completed" >
<label shape-model="@description" ></label>
<button class="destroy" shape-event = "remove"></button>
//will take as model a "task"
this.oldValue = this.model.completed;
this.addChangeWatcher("completed", this.completedChanged);
$(this.view).toggleClass("completed", this.model.completed);
this.oldValue = this.model.completed;
if(this.oldValue != this.model.completed){
$(this.view).toggleClass("completed", this.model.completed);
this.oldValue = this.model.completed;
And, finally, somewhere in your app:
<!-- instantiate a component named "task.render" -->
<span id="myTask" shape-context="render" ></span>
// create a model (a task), expand that component and bind to the model
model = shape.newObject("task");
//insert shape view in DOM based on a root model
shape.expandShapeComponent(document.getElementById("main"),null, model)
SwarmShape is part of "Swarm" project and provides UI components and client side architecture for "Swarmified" applications
- SwarmESB (https://github.com/salboaie/SwarmESB) is an Enterprise Service Bus: orchestrates services (REST APIs, or functions)
- SwarmShape is open and extensible. Combined with SwarmESB is powerfull but it can be used with custom servers (your own CRUD, web services)
- SwarmShape is a modern Java Script and HTML5 development framework
License: LGPL
Release: 1.0(beta) Planned stable release: 1.0
- Created for big enterprise projects
- Real time web applications
- Portals, RIA, single page applications)
- Type checking in Java Script (only for models)
- Rest APIs or SwarmESB for back-end
- Goals: simplicity, programming discipline, reusable components, component layouts, themes
Summary, SwarmShape principles/features:
declarative when possible
based on inversion of control
re-usability of controllers (mainly) and models
html tags will magically become components if you put shape-ctrl or shape-view attributes
clean separation of models, views, controllers
fat models
models with type checking (types, interfaces)
use computed properties (expression computed from properties chains) to describe self contained models
explicitly put as much as possible from your specific logic in models (code and data) and not in behaviors/controllers,views, helper classes
everything else get reusable (components, views, controllers, helpers, style, layouts)
model objects can be
- "global" (persistent objects, saved on server, have a global identity)
- transient (exist only once, don't have an identity)
- embedded (embedded in a global object that can be seen as an (JSON) "document", hae only local identity)
use magic to hide complexity and redundancy (like bindings, change watchers for chains, controllers are basically components) but have as few APIs and concepts as possible
when possible, let conventions discover a proper controller or a model for a HTML tags
add your custom attributes to any html tag to enhance code readability and do more magic
Main features:
- MVC (MVVM) with clean and simple architecture
- bindable/observable chains and collections
- UI component oriented (yes,you can create reusable components (basically controllers)!)
- client side Pub/Sub channels (safe and sound against asynchronous weirdness in computed values/expressions from models or in callbacks for other messages/events)
- views are build by direct DOM element manipulation and not with templates (string manipulation)
- works with Ajax and swarms (SwarmESB) for back-end