some personal hpgl fun, specific to my plotter. There is nothing of use here.
My Graphtec serial plotter sits on my local network through some lan-232 box I found in my junk bin; it appears on port 2001 and 3001 on my network
/etc/hosts: plotter # graphtec plotter
I've only got one working pen currently.
I'm using CERN HpglView to 'preview' the output. The plotter doesn't seem to support the more modern hpgl variants - bezier_abs is kind of all over the place.
I tweak in emacs, M-x riunit to kill the older preview and launch a new instance of the viewer.
Poking around, it looks like I should just use Ghostscript to generate postscript - but I'd like to make sure that I'm emitting what actually looks like it'll work for my plotter.