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EMLOv3 | Assignment 8

pytorch lightning hydra black


The name is inspired by the metal alloy which is bonded to the character Wolverine's skeleton and claws.

Adamantium is a custom python package which currently supports:

  • Usage of any model available in TIMM for training & evalution on CIFAR10 dataset.
  • VIT model for training, evaluation & inference on Cats-Dogs & CIFAR10 dataset.
  • GPT model training and optuna based hyperparameter optimization over Harry Potter books dataset.
  • Experiment tracking using MLFlow, AIM, Tensorboard & CSV logger.
  • Demo of VIT and GPT model using gradio.

All functionalities can be controlled by hydra configs.

VIT (scripted) Gradio Demo

  1. Pull the docker image from dockerhub.
docker pull salilgtm/emlov3_assignment_8:latest
  1. Run the docker image.
docker run -p 8080:8080 salilgtm/emlov3_assignment_8:latest

VIT Demo


  • The docker image size is 1.27GB.
  • Model performance can be drastically improved, current aim was to get a working gradio demo.

GPT (trace) Gradio Demo

  1. To run the demo, clone the repository.
git clone
  1. Install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install Adamantium.
pip install -e .
  1. Run the demo.

GPT Demo

Past Documentation


  • Salil Gautam


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