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[Server Hosting] SocialMediaSettings

LieutenantMaster edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 3 revisions

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Contains the current setting version number, never change this value unless you really know what you are doing as it's used internally for automatic conversion of old settings whenever we change something.


Array. A list of short headlines in the pause menu with a title and short text for each of them

            "m_Title": "My Awesome Title Feed !",
            "m_Text": "Because this is an example I can write anything. Please send help, they forgot to feed me again"

"NewsFeedTexts" -> "m_Title"

String. The title of the feed

"NewsFeedTexts" -> "m_Text"

String. A short description bellow the title of the feed


Array. A list of all the social links like discord, steam, twitter, facebook and so on.

            "m_Label": "My Name Here",
            "m_Icon": "set:expansion_iconset image:icon_steam",
            "m_URL": ""

"NewsFeedLinks" -> "m_Label"

String. The name displayed next to the icon

"NewsFeedLinks" -> "m_Icon"

String. The icon to display (edds or paa)

"NewsFeedLinks" -> "m_URL"

String. The link to redirect the user

Raw file

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