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[Server Hosting] VehicleSettings

LieutenantMaster edited this page Mar 8, 2021 · 28 revisions

Last updated the 08th of March 2021 - Return to the summary

"VehicleSync" - Working in progress. Keep this setting to 1


  • 0 = Vehicles will be simulated by the Server and only the server.
  • 1 = Vehicles will be simulated by the Server prediciting player actions. To make it easy to understand, it's Client and server sync.
  • 2 = Vehicles will be simulated by the client (player).



  • 0 = Even if your car is paired to a key, you don't need to have the key in the vehicle inventory or on yourself.
  • 1 = You will need a car key paired to the vehicle in your inventory or in the inventory of the vehicle to start the engine.
  • 2 = You need to have the key in your hands to start the engine.



  • 0 = Even if you are missing some doors, you can still lock the vehicle.
  • 1 = You will need all the doors of the car to lock your vehicle.



  • 0 = Players will need to unlock the vehicle to access the inventory.
  • 1 = Allow players to access the inventory of the vehicle even if this vehicle is locked.



  • -1 = infinite master pairing uses
  • 0 = disabled. You can pair any keys to your already paired car.
  • 1 = limited uses before becoming a normal car key (MasterKeyUses)
  • 2 = renewable with a electronicalrepairkit or a keygrinder (will also use MasterKeyUses)
  • 3 = renewable with a keygrinder (will also use MasterKeyUses). Currently only configured for MuchCarKeys, a futur update will also add a Expansion Grinder.


Integrer. Amount of times the masterkey can pair unpaired keys.



  • 0 = You can't lock pick vehicles.
  • 1 = Allow players to lock pick vehicles.


Array. A list of classnames (items) allowed to lockpick cars.


Integrer. The Percentage of chance to successfully lock pick a vehicle (from 0 to 100)


Integrer. How many seconds it will take to do the lock pick action


Integrer. How much damage the tool will take when completing the action. In percentage (from 0 to 100).



  • 0 = Players will need to unlock the vehicle to access the inventory.
  • 1 = Allow players to access the inventory of the vehicle even if this vehicle is locked.



  • 0 = The helicopters won't have wind simulation.
  • 1 = Enable wind simulation for helicopters.



  • 0 = rotors of helicopters can't be damaged.
  • 1 = rotors of helicopters can be damaged and will spin if destroy making the helicopters almost unusable.



  • 0 = Players will fall and take damage like in vanilla.
  • 1 = Allow players to stay on moving objects like cars, helicopters, planes or boats.



  • 0 = Towing is disabled.
  • 1 = Allow cars to tow other cars. Helicopters can tow any types vehicles.



  • 0 = Helicopters won't explode.
  • 1 = Helicopters can explode.



  • 0 = The Vehicles can take damage from anything.
  • 1 = The vehicles can't take damage from impact and won't knock out the crew (not bullet proof)


Float. Damage multiplier for the crew. How fast they will blackout or die. 1 is default and 0 is no damage


Float. Damage multiplier for the speed of the car. Above 0 is weaker and below 0 is stronger.

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