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How to configure the Expansion Map Markers

LieutenantMaster edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 11 revisions

DayZ Expansion

Where do you need to go ?

Go to DayZServer\ServerProfile (or config)\ExpansionMod\Settings and open the MapSettings.json

Expansion Server Settings Path

Inside this file you should have something similar except you don't have the lines highlighted in white yet

Map Settings File

How does it work ?

        "m_UID": "MyUniqueID101",
        "m_Visibility": 6,
        "m_Is3D": 1,
        "m_Text": "My Marker Name",
        "m_IconName": "IconName",
        "m_Color": -13710223,
        "m_Position": [

REMOVE the , from }, to the last marker config (look at the example at the end of the page)


The UID is the unique identity of a marker, this mean it need to be unique to be valid. This ID can have numbers or letters.


We recommend you to keep it to 6 since his behavior is affected by the other settings and might not do what you really expect from this setting.

  • 0 = Not visible.
  • 2 = Visible on the World (If "m_Is3D" is set to 1, you should probably put "m_Visibility" to 2).
  • 4 = Visible on the Map only.
  • 6 = Visible on the Map and on the World (If "m_Is3D" is set to 1, you should probably put "m_Visibility" to 2).


  • 0 = Only visible on the 2d map
  • 1 = visible in 3D while playing and on the 2d map


This text will be displayed next to the marker name. You can also keep it empty if you want.


What Icon will be used for the marker. Good news is, it's easy to know which one to use since they are in the correct order ingame (until we add new icons and I will need to redo this list) :)

    "Water 1"
    "Water 2"
    "Infected 1"
    "Infected 2"
    "Skull 1"
    "Skull 2"
    "Skull 3"
    "Map Marker"
    "Book 1"
    "Book 2"
    "Open Hand"
    "Vehicle Crash"
    "Animal Skull"
    "Apple Core"
    "Kitchen Knife Big"
    "Broken Lighter"
    "Can Of Beans Big"
    "Can Of Beans Small"
    "Car Keys"
    "Chain Saw"
    "Dinosaur Skull"
    "Dry Wood"
    "Eatable Flowers"
    "Electrical Tape"
    "Empty Can"
    "Flare Gun"
    "Flare Gun Ammo"
    "Frying Pan"
    "Gas Mask"
    "Golf Club"
    "Gun Bullets"
    "Herbal Medicine"
    "Home Made Grenade"
    "Human Skull"
    "Kitchen Knife"
    "Paper Map"
    "Medic Box"
    "Pipe Wrench"
    "Rock 1"
    "Rock 2"
    "Scrap Metal"
    "Shotgun Bullets"
    "Tent Small"
    "Walkie Talkie"
    "Water Jug"
    "Wild Pork"


The color of the marker, use this website to generate the color you want to apply on your marker !

Enter the RGBA values and then click on the button "ARGB → int" to generate the color code you will need.

  • R: Red
  • G: Green
  • B: Blue
  • A: Opacity from 0 (can't be seen) to 255 (very visible, opaque)

You can use this website to generate the RGBA color, however watch out this website generate the A value from 0 to 1 instead of 255 !


The position of the marker in X Y Z coordinates.

Any admin tools and editors should be able to give you this values. You could go where you want your marker to be and check your player position for example.

Some examples !

        "ServerMarkers": [
                "m_UID": "Green Mountain Trader",
                "m_Visibility": 6,
                "m_Is3D": 1,
                "m_Text": "Green Mountain Trader",
                "m_IconName": "Trader",
                "m_Color": -13710223,
                "m_Position": [
                "m_UID": "Eastwatch Trader",
                "m_Visibility": 6,
                "m_Is3D": 1,
                "m_Text": "Eastwatch Trader",
                "m_IconName": "Trader",
                "m_Color": -13710223,
                "m_Position": [
                "m_UID": "Black Market Trader",
                "m_Visibility": 6,
                "m_Is3D": 1,
                "m_Text": "Black Market Trader",
                "m_IconName": "Trader",
                "m_Color": -13710223,
                "m_Position": [
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