This is an API for Vitalis Menu editor. Check out the deployed version of the full app here:
With this API, a user can:
- add and retrieve dishes and types from the database,
- add dishes to the menu for a specific date,
- retrieve all dishes from the menu for that date,
- delete dishes for a specific date.
To run the server locally, you need to start a Postgres container with the following command:
$ docker run \
--rm \
-p 5432:5432 \
- git clone
- npm install
- node .
To connect to the Database on a Mac you can use Postico, on Linux - DBeaver
There is no authentication on this API - all functions available to all users.
Here is how you might retrieve a menu for a date with a GET request.
Response will be in a JSON format as:
<[{"id":62,"dish_name":"Cauliflower soup","type_name":"Soup","date":"2019-06-27"},{"id":63,"dish_name":"Duck breast","type_name":"Main course","date":"2019-06-27"},{"id":64,"dish_name":"Honey glazed carrots","type_name":"Vegetables","date":"2019-06-27"},{"id":65,"dish_name":"Sweet potato","type_name":"Side dish","date":"2019-06-27"},{"id":66,"dish_name":"Swiss roll","type_name":"Dessert","date":"2019-06-27"}]>
Here is how you might add a dish for a date with a POST request. In your request, include a JSON object as:
<{type_name: "Vegetables", dish_name: "Parsnips", date: null}>
All the regular error codes
No limit on number of requests
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