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Actions: samanthajayasinghe/unit-test


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12 workflow runs
12 workflow runs

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add reference link
Generate code cov #12: Commit 9af176c pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 16, 2023 22:01 28s main
August 16, 2023 22:01 28s
add invalid auth test
Generate code cov #11: Commit cbda2ea pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 16, 2023 21:55 40s main
August 16, 2023 21:55 40s
add codecov badge
Generate code cov #10: Commit eb262a9 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 16, 2023 06:20 37s main
August 16, 2023 06:20 37s
add images and readme
Generate code cov #9: Commit 3312115 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 16, 2023 06:16 43s main
August 16, 2023 06:16 43s
update read me
Generate code cov #8: Commit a364cc7 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 16, 2023 06:14 42s main
August 16, 2023 06:14 42s
fixed name
Generate code cov #7: Commit 8c2581a pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 14, 2023 09:09 47s main
August 14, 2023 09:09 47s
add test to cover empty key
Generate code cov #6: Commit b09256c pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 14, 2023 00:55 32s main
August 14, 2023 00:55 32s
add test to slack client
Generate code cov #5: Commit a9f1519 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 14, 2023 00:45 46s main
August 14, 2023 00:45 46s
add readme codecov label
Generate code cov #4: Commit 0ab0217 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 13, 2023 22:29 36s main
August 13, 2023 22:29 36s
run unit tests
Generate code cov #3: Commit ced1fc0 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 13, 2023 09:15 36s main
August 13, 2023 09:15 36s
add code cov on main push
Generate code cov #2: Commit fab1ffb pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 13, 2023 09:12 17s main
August 13, 2023 09:12 17s
add code cov on main push
Generate code cov #1: Commit 4a7c3b4 pushed by samanthajayasinghe
August 13, 2023 09:10 17s main
August 13, 2023 09:10 17s