npm i -s express request-promise cheerio mysql
Start local server:
node app.js
API Endpoints:
Execute a webscrape for Craiglist Toronto: localhost:3000/craigslist/
Return shoes from DB: localhost:3000/shoes/
/craigslist: ?model=<model>&size=<size>
/shoes: ?model=yeezy&size=10&priceMin=0&priceMax=1000&sortLowHigh=true
LocalDB: Execute the following to create the appropriate local DB and table:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'solem8_server'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'syde2020'
create database solem8;
create table shoes (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, model varchar (50), size float, url varchar(100), source varchar(50), title varchar(100), price float, photo varchar (100), PRIMARY KEY(id));
create table supportedShoes (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, model varchar (50), size float, PRIMARY KEY(id));
create table watchlist (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username varchar (50), model varchar (50), size float, priceMin float, priceMax float, PRIMARY KEY(id));