IMPORTANT NOTE: This software (reported in Martin et al. 2017: is no longer being maintained. Please now use the much improved software GRUPS-rs (reported in Lefeuvre et al. 2024: The GRUPS-rs github page is here:
grups is a collection of Python and R scripts that implement methods developed in Martin et al. (2017). For citation information, see section 2. The scripts can be used to simulate the pairwise genetic distances between human individuals in a provided test pedigree based on either existing genomic genotype data (VCF file input) or genomic sequence data (BAM file input). Contamination and sequencing error parameters can also be introduced to the simulations. Simulations can be performed using only a subset of the input data (genomic positions passing desired filters, or included on an input list). A massively parallel computing cluster is recommended for performing large numbers of pedigree replicates using entire human genomes.
Martin MD, Jay F, Castellano S, Slatkin M. 2017. Determination of genetic relatedness from low‐coverage human genome sequences using pedigree simulations. Molecular Ecology, 26:4145-4157. doi:10.1111/mec.14188
grups v1.1 was developed and tested in the following environment:
- Python v2.7.5
- Python package numpy v1.11.2
- Python package matplotlib v1.5.3
- Python package pysam v0.8.4
- Python package cython v0.24.1
- Python package bx-python v0.5.0
- R v3.3.1
- R library reshape v0.8.5
- R library ggplot2 v2.1.0
- samtools v0.1.19
Generally the first step in an analysis of pairwise genetic distances will be
to use the script
to directly calculate the pairwise
genetic distance between the sequence data for two individuals in two BAM files
(e.g. command 5a1). Then summary statistics are calculated from the output
files (e.g. command 5a2). Next pileup files should be generated (e.g. command
5b1) for each pairwise comparison to be simulated. Then each pairwise pileup
file must be split into chromosome-specific pileup files (e.g. command 5b2),
which are used as input for the pedigree simulations performed by the script
(e.g. command 5c). In general the pedigree simulations
command should be performed in hundreds of replicates in order to accurately
estimate the mean and variance of the relatedness distribution for each
relationship. Finally, the simulation replicates are concatenated into a single
input file (e.g. command 5d1), which is the input for an R script that plots
the results of the pedigree simulations (command 5d2) and, optionally, the
previously calculated summary statistics from direct observations of pairwise
genetic distance between two BAMs.
Alternatively, more general pedigree simulations of various scenarios can be
performed without using pileup files as input,both with (--targets
option) and
without (e.g. command 5e) using an input file of target genomic positions
defining where genetic distance should be assessed. A target regions input file
can be provided to restrict the calculation of genetic distance to particular
genomic locations defined in the file. If a pairwise pileup file has also been
provided, the target positions file may contain a subset of the pileup
positions, but a position must be in both lists to be included.
Major base data used in the Martin et al. (2017) study can be found as follows:
The 1000 Genomes v37 reference genome:
HapMap recombination data:
The scripts can be used in several modes. Following are some examples of typical usage:
for y in {1..20}; do
samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 30 \
-f ./1000genomes_v3_refseq/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-l ./1000genomes_phase3/variant_sites.chr1-22.only_SNPs.txt \
./1000g_v3_BAMs/NA20526.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.TSI.low_coverage.20130415.rmdup.bam \
./1000g_v3_BAMs/NA20792.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.TSI.low_coverage.20120522.rmdup.bam | \
python --chr 1-22 --min_depth 2,2 \
--min_qual 30 --ignore_dels 1 \
--quiet 1 >> ./analyses/PWD_distributions/
done &
cat ./analyses/PWD_distributions/ | \
awk 'NF > 0' | \
awk 'BEGIN{
if ($1>max){max=$1};
if ($1<min){min=$1}
print "n mean std max min";
print NR " " sum/NR " " sqrt(sumsq/NR - (sum/NR)**2) " " max " " min
5b. Generate and split pileup files for the simulation of pairwise genetic distances within a pedigree of randomly chosen individuals, based on input pairwise pileup files
samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 30 -f ./1000genomes_v3_refseq/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-l ./1000genomes_phase3/variant_sites.chr1-22.only_SNPs.txt \
/path/to/1000g_data/NA20526.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.TSI.low_coverage.20130415.rmdup.bam \
/path/to/1000g_data/NA20792.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.TSI.low_coverage.20120522.rmdup.bam | \
python --chr 1-22 --min_depth 2,2 \
--min_qual 30 --ignore_dels 1 -- quiet 1 --filter_sites 1 | \
gzip > ./1000g_v3_BAMs/pairwise_pileups_simspecific/ &
samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 30 -f ./1000genomes_v3_refseq/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-l ./Haaketal2015_data/SuppTable2_targetSNPs.chr_pos.txt \
./Haaketal2015_data/I0114.390k.damage_rescaled.bam \
./Haaketal2015_data/I0114.390k.damage_rescaled.bam | \
python --chr 1-22 --min_depth 2,2 \
--min_qual 30 --known_variants 1 \
--targets ./1000genomes_phase3_v5a/variant_sites.chr1-22.only_SNPs.only_tv.txt \
--ignore_dels 1 --self_comparison 1 --quiet 1 --filter_sites 1 | \
gzip > ./Haaketal2015_data/pairwise_pileups_simspecific/
for y in {1..22}; do
zcat ./1000g_v3_BAMs/pairwise_pileups_simspecific/ | \
awk -v y="$y" '{if($1 == y) print $0}' | \
gzip > ./1000g_v3_BAMs/pairwise_pileups_simspecific/${y}.gz &
5c. Simulate pairwise genetic distances within a pedigree based on positions and read depths in an input pairwise pileup file
--label NA20526rmdup_NA20792rmdup_pileup
--ped example_pedigree.txt
--pileup ../1000g_v3_BAMs/pairwise_pileups_simspecific/
--out /path/to/simulations_output/
--ds_rate 1.0
--c_rate 0.0,0.0
--q_rate 0.0,0.0
--reps 1
--chr 1-22
--include all
--min_qual 30
--data_dir /path/to/1000g_data/
--pedigree_pop EUR
--contam_pop AFR,AFR
--recomb_dir ./recombination_maps/
bash Troc1rmdup_Troc3rmdup_pileup \
../analyses/pedigree_sims/2016-11-11_Haaketal_mindepth1_onlyTv_ds1.0_c0_q0/ \
Rscript plot_pedigree_sims.R \
data_dir=../analyses/pedigree_sims/2016-11-11_Haaketal_mindepth1_onlyTv_ds1.0_c0_q0/ConcatenatedReps/ \
regex=*Troc1rmdup_Troc3rmdup_pileup.out \
range=1.5 plotval=0.225893,0.00122087 w=6 h=6 noPrint=1,3,6,7
5e. Simulate pairwise genetic distances within a pedigree of randomly chosen individuals, with genetic distance calculations at all genomic positions contained in the pileup file that meet the read depth/quality criteria.
--ped example_pedigree.txt
--ds_rate_numSNPs 0.047062308
--min_AF 0.05
--chr 1-22
--include all
--reps 1
--out /path/to/simulations_output/
--pedigree_pop EUR
--contam_pop EUR,EUR
--data_dir /path/to/1000g_data/
--recomb_dir ./recombination_maps/
--q_rate 0.0000,0.0000/0.0005,0.0005/0.0010,0.0010/0.0100,0.0100/0.1000,0.1000
--c_rate 0.0,0.0/0.0,0.0/0.0,0.0/0.0,0.0/0.0,0.0
--mean_cov 10,10/10,10/10,10/10,10/10,10
For more information check:
IMPORTANT NOTE: This software (reported in Martin et al. 2017: is no longer being maintained. Please now use the much improved software GRUPS-rs (reported in Lefeuvre et al. 2024: The GRUPS-rs github page is here: