Given there are no items in stock When I check the vending machine Then I should see it is empty
Given there are no items in stock When I add some items Then I should see them in the vending machine
Given there are some balance When I check the balance of the vending machine Then I should see the current balance
When I withdraw money from the vending machine Then I should see the balance decrease
When I deposit money to the vending machine Then I should see the balance increase
Given there are items in stock When I check what is available Then I should see the name, price and code of the items
Given I have inserted some money into the vending machine When I check amount inserted Then I should see the amount
Given I have inserted enough money for an item When I enter the item code Then I get the item And the balance of the vending machine goes up by that amount And the item is removed from the stock
Given I have inserted some amount of money When I enter a non-existent item code Then the vending machine shows no such item
Given I have inserted some amount of money When I enter an item code of an item that costs more that I have inserted Then the vending machine shows insufficient fund
Given I have inserted some amount of money When I enter an item code of an item that costs less that I have inserted Then I get the item and the change
Given I have inserted some amount of money When I press the cancel button Then I get the full amount refunded