is a ROS Wrapper for the OpenNI2 and NiTE2 Skeleton Tracker. This repository is forked from here and changed in order to be used with Asus Xtion RGB-D camera.
Clone the beta OpenNI2 repository from Github:
git clone
Then, switch to the OpenNI2 directory and build:
cd OpenNI2 make
Install Nite2 from the OpenNI Website here. Be sure to match the version (x86 or x64) with the version of OpenNI2 you installed above. You will probably need to create a free account.
Change directories to the NiTE location and install with
cd NiTE-Linux-x64-2.2 sudo ./
Try and run one of the examples in
. If these don't work, then something went wrong with your installation. -
to your ROS workspace.git clone
Configure CMake In the CMakeLists.txt file inside the
package, you will need to change the path where CMake will look for OpenNI2 and NiTE2. These two lines:set(OPENNI2_DIR ~/OpenNI2) set(OPENNI2_WRAPPER /opt/ros/indigo/include/openni2_camera/) set(NITE2_DIR ~/Openni2/NiTE-2.0.0/) set(NITE2_LIB ~/Openni2/NiTE-2.0.0/Redist/ link_directories(${OPENNI2_DIR}/Bin/x64-Release) include_directories(${OPENNI2_DIR}/Bin/x64-Release) include_directories(/usr/include/openni2/) include_directories(${OPENNI2_DIR}/Include) include_directories(${OPENNI2_WRAPPER}) include_directories(${NITE2_DIR}/Include) include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}/include)
need to point to the root directories of where you extracted or cloned OpenNI2 and NiTE2.
Make openni2_tracker
cd your_catkin_workspace/ catkin_make
Set up NiTE2: Right now, NiTE requires that any executables point to a training sample directory at
. If you run the NiTE sample code, this works fine because those examples are in that same directory. However, to be able to roslaunch or rosrun openni2_tracker from any current directory, I have created a workaround scriptsetup_nite.bash
. This script creates a symbolic link of the NiTE2 directory in your .ros directory (the default working directory for roslaunch / rosrun). You will need to modify this file so that it points to YOUR NiTE2 and .ros locations. I would be pleased if anyone has a better solution to this. -
Run openni2_tracker
roslaunch skeleton_tracker tracker.launch
In the lauch file, you can rename both the tracker name and the tracker's relative frame. I have included a static publisher that aligns the tracker frame to the world frame, approximately 1.25m off the floor.
<!-- openni2_tracker Launch File --> <launch> <arg name="tracker_name" default="tracker" /> <node name="tracker" output="screen" pkg="skeleton_tracker" type="tracker" > <param name="tf_prefix" value="$(arg tracker_name)" /> <param name="relative_frame" value="/$(arg tracker_name)_depth_frame" /> </node> <!-- TF Static Transforms to World --> <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="world_to_tracker" args=" 0 0 1.25 1.5707 0 1.7707 /world /$(arg tracker_name)_depth_frame 100"/> </launch>
Currently, this node will broadcast TF frames of the joints of any user being tracked by the tracker. The frame names are based on the tracker name, currently
. The node will also publish the Point Cloud and the Video stream.