Welcome to the FluffyLove Pet Adoption App! This Flask-based web application allows users to view and interact with a database of pets available for adoption. Users can browse pets, view details, add new pets, edit existing pet information, and sign up for an account.
- The home page displays a list of all available pets.
- Each pet's name, species, and availability status are visible.
- Clicking on a pet's name or ID navigates to a page showing detailed information about that specific pet.
- The pet's photo, species, age, availability, and notes are displayed.
- Users can filter pets by species by navigating to
. - This page displays a list of pets belonging to the specified species.
- Users can edit a pet's information by clicking on the "Edit" button on the pet details page.
- The edit form pre-populates with the existing information, and users can make changes and save them.
- Users can delete a pet by clicking on the "Delete" button on the pet details page.
- A confirmation message appears, and upon confirmation, the pet is removed from the database.
- Users can add a new pet to the database by navigating to the
page. - The "Add Pet" form requires details such as name, species, photo URL, age, availability, and notes.
- Users can sign up for an account by navigating to the
page. - The signup form collects information such as username, first name, and last name.
Before running the application, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL
- Clone the repository.
- Create a PostgreSQL database named
. - Update the
in theapp.py
file to match your database connection. - Run the application using
python app.py
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Samie Smilz
Thank you for using the FluffyLove Pet Adoption App!