Simple utility that forwards TCP incoming payloads to a MQTT server over the specified topic.
You can launch the server in dev mode with Foreman utility here After Foreman install simply issue foreman start
command in the local folder to start the server.
You can also compile go source code thanks to the makefile here. Simply issue make all
to compile binaries for amd64, 386 and arm platforms.
You can also prepare a debian package that could be installed directly on your server and be production ready.
Simply issue make deb
command here.
After debian package install you will find the json file at the following path:
The server is managed by a SystemD unit, you can control the service with:
sudo systemctl status tcp-mqtt-forwarder
sudo systemctl start tcp-mqtt-forwarder
sudo systemctl stop tcp-mqtt-forwarder
sudo systemctl restart tcp-mqtt-forwarder
Here is a sample of the config file:
"log_file": "/var/log/tcp-mqtt-forwarder/app.log",
"log_format": "text",
"debug": false,
"tcp_host": "",
"mqtt_broker": "tcp://",
"mqtt_user": "username",
"mqtt_password": "password",
"mqtt_topic": "tcpmqtt/forwarder",
"mqtt_client_id": "tcp-mqtt-forwarder",
"mqtt_clean_session": true,
"mqtt_autoreconnect": true,
"mqtt_qos": 2