#Twitter #ENDSARS bot This is a simple twitter cron bot to send a tweet every minute from your twitter account. Feel free to send a pull request 😁
If you dont't have an existing server; You could get $100 in credit over 60 days from Digitalocean to deploy this bot till our voices have been heard. Signup here.
git clone https://github.com/samuelogu/endsars.git
cd endsars
npm i
touch .env
You will need valid Twitter developer credentials in the form of a set of consumer and access tokens/keys. You can get these here. Do not forgot to adjust your permissions - most POST request require write permissions. Put in your access tokens/keys in the .env
Available tweets can be found in the tweets.js
file as an array. Add as much as you need.
module.exports = [
"I'm not a criminal if I use an Iphone",
"I hate police brutality"
Add hashtags of your choice in the hashtags.js
module.exports = [
npm install forever -g
forever start app.js
This will start a cron job on your server and send a tweet every minute. Use based on your discretion.