An IntelliJ (RubyMine or Idea) Plugin for executing Beaker Tests against PuppetLabs.
Install from In your IntelliJ IDE:
- Select Preferences
- Click Browse repositories button
- Select 'Beaker Test Runner' and install
- Restart your IDE
- Adds a new Beaker configuration type with simple support for some of the common parameters
- Ability to run/debug Beaker tests from context (right click on a beaker test and either run or debug)
- Ability to re-use the most recent saved hosts.yml for a configuration file
- Ability to run/debug Beaker with or without Bundler
- Ability to specify any additional command line arguments not included in the base configuration
- Additional code completion support for Beaker classes
- Code generation - create new Beaker test case (possibly different templates)
- Set the default values for the Beaker configuration to match what you would typically run on command line
- If your workflow generally consists of running a command to have Beaker spin up a node(s) and then executing tests against that existing node as a separate command, you can create a specific configuration(s) to spin up the nodes, and then use the default configuration to execute tests.
After configuring the default Beaker Configuration, right click on a file in the Project window and select run or debug to execute it as a Beaker test.