Hi 👋, I'm Sanat B Singh
- Multimodal AI, Computer Vision, NLP, Deep Learning
- Solving problems using AI in different domains/sectors
- DL pipelines & System Design
- ZYIK.ML - Artificial Intelligence based Healthcare Platform
- MEDICO - A COVID-19 Patient Monitoring Dashboard System
- MOSQUITO-NET - A Deep Learning based CADx system for Malaria Diagnosis - ICML 2020, MLGH Workshop Poster
- Multimodal AI, ML System Design & Cost estimation for projects.
- Will definitely start learning JAX
- Showcase work publicly (too much of private repos), connect more socially & get into open source
- Start making kaggle notebooks (used kaggle for data multiple times, never made a single notebook on it)
- for help regarding some Deep Learning project or some discussion/conversation
- if you want to hire me