This repository contains the scripts that were used for the processing of NASC-seq data from the related manuscript (Hendriks et al. under review). This approach is based on the implementation of a binomial mixture model from the GRAND-SLAM method (Jürges et al. Bioinformatics, 2018) that was originally used for the analysis of bulk SLAM-seq data (Herzog et al. Nature Methods, 2017).
No custom hardware was used, but the use of a computing cluster is recommended. Running time for the entire pipeline for a single cell on a desktop computer is estimated at 24 hours. To facilitate easy implementation and rapid processing we provide an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for an instance containing the pipeline and dependecies, as well as some example data. The AMI can be found in the OHIO region and is named NASC-seq (ami-09ed874a884ac41ed).
The analysis pipeline has been tested with the following supporting software.
R 3.5.1
STAR (2.5.4b)
Samtools (1.9)
Python2.7 2.7.14
Python3 3.6.5
Java 1.8
Picard (MarkDuplicates 2.18.17-SNAPSHOT)
Cutadapt 1.18
fastQC 0.11.8
python3.6 devtools
PyStan (python module)
Pandas 0.23.4 (python module)
Pysam 0.15.1 (python module)
joblib 0.13.0 (python module)
scipy xx.xx.xx (python module)
ggplot2 3.1.0 (R-package)
RsubRead 1.32.1 (R-package)
tidyr 0.8.2 (R-package)
dplyr 0.7.8 (R-package)
cowplot 0.9.3 (R-package)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --experimentdir [dir] experiment directory
-p, --numCPU [integer] number of CPUs to use
-f, --flag [flag] flag specifying the step in the NASC-seq pipeline that will be performed:
trim Trim fastq files using trimgalore
align Align fastq files using STAR to hg38 (uses 4 threads / cell)
removegenome Removes genome from shared memory
removeduplicates Removes duplicates from aligned bam files using picard
annotate Annotate features in bam files using Rsubread and index files
conversiontag Tag conversions in bam file headers
vcfFilter Select possible SNPs from shared mismatches between cells
tagFilter Remove SNPs from conversion tags and index files (uses 1 thread / cell)
cellQC Perform basic QC visualization to decide on QC cutoffs. This can be used
to decide on quality cutoffs that can be added to the file.
cellFilter Filter bam files based on QC cutoffs in the file
calculatePE Calculate error probability
prepareData Prepares pickles from data for scalable processing using AWS or similar
processData Processes pickles and creates output pickle which will be used for data summarization
Will process 1 cell at a time on the given number of threads (-p / --numCPU), and loop
over all cells in the prepared data.
summarize Summarize corrected data and prepare files with new and old reads as well as
additional files with the modes of the estimates, the confidence intervals,
the standard deviations and the means.
The git repository can be cloned directly (<1 minute).
Raw fastq files (paired-end, 2x 150 cycles) should be moved to the following directories:
P1_A01_S1 (Plate1, Row A, column 01)
A configuration file should be prepared in the root of the experiment directory. For the layout of the configuration file see the example config file (/NASC-seq/data/ In addition to the locations of some of the dependencies, users will have to refer to a genome using STAR (gnv), a gtf file (gtf) and an SJBD file (sjdb) to facilitate memory sharing while aligning. The config file furthermore includes links to a file with strand information for all features in the genome (strandFile), a stan model file (stanFile).
Running the analysis can be done step-by-step by following the flags in the order presented under 'Usage'. When rerunning the analysis on the example data, exclude the 'vcfFilter' step since this depends on the availability of broader data (i.e. a position is excluded when it is found converted in many cells). Instead, the supplied result of this step in the QC/vcfFilter folder can be used to remove potential SNPs from the example data.
While running the pipeline a number of fastq files as well as bam files will be produced and saved in the fastqFiles and bamFiles folders respectively.
The folders will contain the following partially processed datafiles:
aligned_bam STAR output
duplRemoved_bam PICARD duplicate removal output
annotated_bam Rsubread annotated output
annotated_sorted_bam Sorted Rsubread annotated output
tagged_bam Conversion-tagged output
filteredTagged_bam SNP-filtered conversion-tagged output
Example data can be downloaded from:
To facilitate rapid processing and easy implementation we suggest to run the entire pipeline on Amazon Web Services. We provide an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with all code, dependencies, hg38 and example data preloaded.