Here you'll find a list of "How To" guides that walk you through accomplishing specific tasks.
- Service invocation
- State management
- Pub/Sub
- Bindings
- Actors
- Observability
- Security
- Middleware
- Components
- Hosting platforms
- Developer tooling
- Invoke other services in your cluster or environment
- Create a gRPC enabled app, and invoke Dapr over gRPC
- Setup a state store
- Configuring Redis for state management
- Create a service that performs stateful CRUD operations
- Query the underlying state store
- Create a stateful, replicated service with different consistency/concurrency levels
- Control your app's throttling using rate limiting features
- Setup a Pub/Sub component
- Configuring Redis for pub/sub
- Use Pub/Sub to publish messages to a given topic
- Use Pub/Sub to consume events from a topic
- Use Pub/Sub across multiple namespaces
- Limit the Pub/Sub topics used or scope them to one or more applications
- Implementing a new binding
- Trigger a service from different resources with input bindings
- Invoke different resources using output bindings
For Actors How Tos see the SDK documentation
- Set up Azure Monitor to search logs and collect metrics for Dapr
- Set up Fleuntd, Elastic search, and Kibana in Kubernetes
- Set up Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes
- Observe metrics with Grafana
- Configure component secrets using Dapr secret stores
- Using the Secrets API to get application secrets
- Production deployment and upgrade guidelines
- Sidecar configuration on Kubernetes
- Autoscale on Kubernetes using KEDA and Dapr bindings
- Deploy to hybrid Linux/Windows Kubernetes clusters