A sansio card creation library for sending cards to Microsoft Teams.
mspyteams requires python 3.6 and up.
python3 -m pip install mspyteams
Being a sans-io library this installs only the card composition library, which in the end returns a valid card dict, which can be send as a json payload using any http client library of your liking.
Currently the aiohttp
client is implemented as an option. To install:
python3 -m pip install mspyteams[aiohttp]
There are more ms teams card libaries available, like pymsteams and msteams, and I have thought of adapting them to my needs by doing pull requests etc. However, my goals were to provide a library that complies with pep8 (no camelcasing), doing an sans-io implementation, using flit, trying to get github actions running in combination with nox and learning some more along the way. So to do that effectively, I thought it would be best to do a library from scratch. And there you go..
For a complete description of the Card API go here