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Smart Developer Tools

Collection of CLI utilities for developers

W.I.P.: Use at your own risk!

The CLI commands receive input data (where provided) from the Standard Input or from an additional parameter without a flag, and output data to the Standard Output.
If an error occurs, the command will be terminated with exit code 1.

Installation with local build

The installation script build the binary directory to your GO /bin directory.

Yout need GO installed on your machine, and assure that the GOPATH/bin directory is exported in your PATH.

export PATH="$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH"


  1. Clone this repository locally
    git clone
  2. Run the script;
    cd ./sdt
    sh ./


Auto-generated CLI documentation is available here.


DevOps Wishlist

  • Unit Tests!!!
  • Use UPX

Features Wishlist

  • Color conversion
  • JQ integration
  • Template with mustache
  • Data faker
  • File change watcher with command execution
  • Interval watcher with command execution
  • RegExp all matches
  • RegExp replace
  • Data conversion between:
  • Save []string to multiple files
  • Static file server
  • WASM web app:
    • Commands without sdt
    • Button for quick help
    • Commands selection
      • Various types of conversion
      • Bytes b64
      • Bytes hex
    • Input from textarea
    • Input from file
    • Flag for inputs as B64
    • Output to textarea
    • Output to file
  • GUI app:
    • Commands selection
    • Input from textarea
    • Input from file
    • Output to textarea
    • Output to file
  • Docker images
    • WASM webapp
    • CLI as Docker image ???
  • HTTP service
    • commands as http APIs
  • Edit config file
  • Request input from CLI
  • Global --input (file) flag
  • Base 32 encode/decode
  • HTTP request
  • RegEx match
  • Lorem Ipsum
  • QR code generation
  • TOTP
  • CSV to JSON
  • Backslash escape/unsescape
  • String case converter
  • JSON validator
  • Read / Write File
  • JSON minify
  • JSON prettify
  • Bcrypt hash
  • Bcrypt check
  • Hash SHA-384
  • Hash SHA-256
  • Hash sha1
  • Random Bytes
  • UUID v4
  • Base 64 encode/decode
  • URL encode / decode
  • Time unix
  • Time ISO
  • Time UTC
  • JWT validate
  • JWT claims
  • Gzip / Gunzip
  • My IP (
  • IP Lookup (
  • NS lookup
  • QR code reader
  • Base 36
  • HMAC generator
  • Validator
    • JSON
    • YAML
    • TOML
    • CSV
  • String
    • Character count
    • Word count
    • Line count
    • lower case
    • camelCase
    • Capital Case
    • CONSTANT_CASE (Upper case + Replace spaces with character)
    • (Replace spaces with character)
    • Header-Case (Capital case + Replace spaces with character)
    • param-case (Replace spaces with character)
    • snake_case (Replace spaces with character)
    • Slug generator
    • html encode, html decode
    • Sort Lines (reverse, shuffle) (by content, by length)

External libraries used