This project involves creating a simple shopping cart application using HTML, CSS, and advanced JavaScript concepts. The focus areas include promises, async/await, using storage APIs, and basic API calls, along with complex DOM manipulations.
The project will be graded based on the following features:
- index.html: Main landing page.
- login.html: User login page.
- signup.html: User signup page.
- shop.html: Product listing and shopping page.
- cart.html: Shopping cart page.
- profile.html: User profile page.
- Handle signup and login using local storage.
- Support multiple users.
- Restrict access to shop, cart, and profile pages if the user is not logged in.
- Fetch products using an API.
- Save product data in local storage.
- Implement item filtering based on name (search bar), price, and rating (sidebar).
- Manage the shopping cart using local storage.
- Allow adding and removing items from the cart.
- Implement checkout functionality using Razorpay.
- After
, delete items from the cart.
- Display user data taken during signup.
- Allow users to edit their profile information.
- Use advanced JS concepts such as promises and async/await.
- Implement secure user authentication using local storage.
- Optimize performance with efficient storage management.
- Conduct thorough testing to identify and address any bugs or issues.
- Implement clean and well-documented code for readability and collaboration.