To learn more about our project, visit my website Avodha Shopping.
This project is a food delivery website. Django 2.2 is the framework used here, and Python 3.9 is the programming language (back-end). The front ends are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
You must first log in before proceeding to the next step. For that, there are two options.-"LOGIN" & "REGISTER", available on the nav bar, and also these options are in the "hamburger menu" icon as well.
You cannot use previously created username and email address here.
Password validation is also available.
You can see the food items that are available after you log in.
Begin by clicking on the "hamburger menu" icon in the navigation bar. There, you can see some options.
"Home" from any page you can quickly return to the home page same feature as clicking the "Avodha Shopping" logo.
"Food Items" same feature as home page,quickly return to food items from any page.
"Cart" you can quickly return to the cart page.
"Logout" quickly logout from any page.
Next is a drop-down list that helps the user view a particular food item, like a vegetarian, non-vegetarian burger, pizza, or cup of tea. It makes it easy to find the product.
For example, if I click "tea," you can see the products under the "tea" category.
From there, you can select the product for more details and click on the one that you like. then that leads to the detail page.
Following that is a search box, which directs the user to the product. The search engine allows the user to fill in the product's name or description with any words.
If you write tea, it will show the product name that contains tea and also the product description that contains tea.
Next is the cart, which refers to the cart page. The number appears in the top right corner of the cart icon, as shown in the following image. It represents the number of food items added to the cart.
You can add food items to the cart from the detail page. You can only add the products if stock is available. Alternatively, it displays "sorry, no stock left" for the product you are attempting to add to your cart.
For cart reference, the first table contains "Product" which contains the name of the food item and an image, "Price" which represents the price of a single potion, and "Quantity" which you can add by clicking "+" and remove by clicking "-". Following that is "Total," which represents the sum of the one product. and the last one is the delete icon, which means to remove or delete the product from the cart.
the second table, "Cart Summary." "Subtotal" is the total amount of all food items or the sum of all totals. "Shipping": for shipping, there is a charge of $10, so that amount is added to the "total" in the last place.