Spectial is an open-source platform that gives the educator complete freedom and creativity in presenting content and applying tests for students with special needs. The focus is to use sensory forms to activate the 5 senses to meet the needs of each student.
Clone the project with the command:
git clone https://github.com/sant0will/spectial.git
or download zip file in this link.
The project is essentially divided into two parts, backend that corresponds to the server. [Node.js 10.16.3] (https://nodejs.org/en/about/) and [express 4.17.1] (https://expressjs.com/guide/routing.html). The frontend is developed using the JavaScript library [React 16.8.6] (https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html) and design packages.
To go up the server, use these commands:
> cd backend
> npm install \\ or yarn install
> node src/index.js
Server is running in 3000 port
To go up the aplication, use these commands:
> cd frontend
> npm install \\ or yarn install
> npm start \\ or yarn start
The project is under development and the goal is to improve the quality of education for people with disabilities. Feel free to cooperate and help us on this journey.