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Traffic simulator

Java CI with Maven

Traffic Simulator is an open source Java desktop application to simulate the vehicle traffic in a road network.

The road network is modeled as a directed graph formed by nodes and edges. Each edge connects 2 nodes and represents a possible trajectory of a vehicle.

The simulation requires 3 layers to work:

  • Road graph: contains the edges (trajectories) of the road network represented as LineString (polylines) geometries. An edge has 3 attributes: the maximum speed (Km/h), the number of lanes of the road and a delay representing the number of seconds that a vehicle is stopped when crossing this edge.
  • Vehicles: the vehicles that are going to be moved in the simulation represented as Point geometries. Each feature of this layer contains 2 attributes: the number of vehicles and the group it belongs to.
  • Locations: the destinations of the vehicles represented as Point geometries. A location has a name and a descriptive label.

For each group we must indicate what percentage of vehicles goes to each destination (location). This can be achived through the menu option: Edit > groups. The group destinations must be specified this way:

--- <group_name1>
<location_name1> <factor 0..1>
<location_name2> <factor 0..1>
<location_nameN> <factor 0..1>

--- <group_name2>
<location_name1> <factor 0..1>


--- group_a
st_joan   0.4
st_feliu  0.4
molins    0.2

--- group_b
st_joan   0.3
st_feliu  0.4
molins    0.3

The simulation moves the vehicles to their destinations through the fastest route. These destinations are selected according to the group of the vehicles.

Once the simulation is completed, the following indicators are provided:

  • Journeys: the number of journeys to all destinations.
  • Routed journeys: the number of journeys that have a route to the destination.
  • Unrouted journeys: the number of journeys where destination is not reachable.
  • Total distance: the total distance of all routed journeys.
  • Total time: the total time of all routed journeys.
  • Journey avg. distance: the average distance of a journey.
  • Journey avg. time: the average time of a journey.

In addition, for each edge, these indicators are also provided:

  • Length: the length of this edge.
  • Capacity: the maximum capacity of this edge (vehicles per hour).
  • Vehicle count: the number of vehicles that pass through this edge.
  • Required time: the time it takes all the vehicles to cross that edge.

The time to cross an edge is calculated according to this formula:

T = ED + (EL / EV)


  • ED = the delay of the edge
  • EL = the length of the edge
  • EV = the velocity of the edge

Trafsim screenshot

The application can import/export layers in GML format.