A Python Package to read labels from an image. Avaialable in PyPI PyReadLabels
Install from PyPI at PyReadLabels
from PyReadLabels import pyreadlabels
To return a dictionary with the following keys: lines
result = pyreadlabels.detect( "path_to_image" )
#or img = cv2.imread("path_to_image")
## result = pyreadlabels.detect( img )
print( result["lines"] )
To return a dictionary with the following keys: lines, image, pos
result = pyreadlabels.detect( "path_to_image", conf=0.25, get_positions=True, x_line=0.2, y_line=0.1, return_image=True )
#or img = cv2.imread("path_to_image")
## result = pyreadlabels.detect( img, conf=0.25, get_positions=True, x_line=0.2, y_line=0.1, return_image=True )
print( result )
conf - confidence score above which the label characters are considered.
x_line - the percentage difference between x coordinates above which a new line starts.
y_line - the percentage difference between x coordinates above which a new line starts.
get_positions - Boolean Value, True returns a "pos" key which contains boxes (absolute x,y,w,h values), correspondind labels, and confidences
return_image - Boolean Value, True Returns a "image" key which can be used to display image.
import cv2
cv2.imshow( "result", result["image"] )