A dummy/mocking server to inspect incoming HTTP connections. Use it to test/debug Webhooks. Provides nice console logging + a dump of every request as a file.
$ docker run -it -p 5555:5555 -v $(pwd)/logs:/app santiagobasulto/hyper
-p P1:5555
is the local port in your host.-v YOUR_PATH:/app
is a volume in your file system to store the logs of the requests.
Logs names have the convention METHOD.PATH.TIMESTAMP.request.json
(if a body is sent). For example, POST.some.path.1617889344.request.json
and POST.some.path.1617889344.body.json
If you don't want to store the logs, don't pass a -v
Using pip
$ pip install hyper-inspector
Using pipx
$ pipx install hyper-inspector
$ hyper --help
usage: http_inspector [-h] [-r RESPONSE] [-f [ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING]] [-d LOGGING_DIRECTORY] [--log-body [LOG_BODY]] [--ip IP] [--port PORT]
Inspect and debug HTTP requests
optional arguments:
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
-r, --response [default 200]
Default response for every incoming request
-f, --enable-file-logging [default True]
Enable file logging
-d, --logging-directory [default .]
Directory path to store logs
--log-body [default True]
Should it log the whole body to the console.
--ip [default '']
IP Addr to serve
--port [default 555]
Server Port to listen to