Flutter app using Domain Driven Design (DDD). Series sample app Flutter Firebase & DDD by Reso Coder
The following describes the architecture of the app, the structure of the project and the dependencies used.
sdk: flutter
dartz: ^0.10.0
freezed_annotation: ^2.0.3
cloud_firestore: ^3.1.15
flutter_bloc: ^8.0.1
flutter_hooks: ^0.18.0
firebase_core: ^1.4.0
firebase_auth: ^3.0.1
google_sign_in: ^5.0.7
get_it: ^7.2.0
injectable: ^1.5.0
uuid: ^3.0.4
auto_route: ^4.0.1
kt_dart: ^0.10.0
json_annotation: ^4.3.0
rxdart: ^0.27.1
provider: ^6.0.1
implicitly_animated_reorderable_list: ^0.4.1
flutter_slidable: ^1.2.0
# The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
# Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.0
build_runner: null
freezed: ^2.0.3+1
lint: ^1.5.3
injectable_generator: ^1.5.0
auto_route_generator: ^4.0.0
json_serializable: ^6.0.1
analyzer: ^4.0.0
meta: ^1.7.0
- Domain Driven Design
- Flutter Firebase & DDD by Reso Coder
- The whole accompanying tutorial series is available at 👉 this link 👈.