#Summary of the Application:-
A blogging platform for travel enthusiasts wherein users can share their experience & created multiple user interactions (e.g- like, comment, bookmark, update profile info, edit/delete published blogs, etc).
##User interactions built in:-
Users can create a new account, log-in, log-out & reset their password. If logged-in, users should be able to create a blog of their own & publish it, like, comment & add blogs to their bookmarks. However, if not logged-in the dialog opens up giving the user the option to sign-in or sign-in later. Also, after publishing the blog, the user can edit or delete it. Users can see all their published blogs, liked blogs, and saved blogs in a single place under the my-account section with the ability to remove blogs from my-liked-blogs & my-saved-blogs. A user can also update his profile details like - profile image, name, social media handles, about, etc, to make changes available to all places retrospectively.
##Key highlights:-
Used Formik & Yup library for user input Validations. Used JWT package for authentication, authorization & protection/security of various APIs. Used Cloudinary for media mgt. / asset mgt. Used Bcrypt package for security in the backend. Used Nodemailer for sending e-mails from the app. Used Material UI for designing.
##Application common credentials:-
Email id: zzz@gmail.com Password: 12345678