Where should you focus the maintenance efforts? HeatMapP4 is a visualization of age and dev activity for software, powered by d3.js.
- Block size specifies the number of changelists, larger the area means ,more changes done
- Color goes from red to green depending on tha last change date, if changed recently then block will be shown as red
- Each block can represent a file or folder based on depth chosen
npm install -g @saquibkhan/heatmapp4@1.0.0
heatmap-p4 depotPath [--clear-cache] [--exclude] [exclude patterns]
heatmap-p4 //depotpath/ --clear-cache --exclude '#1' QA/Automation qa/Automation
--clear-cache: Removes cache and regenerates history from P4 --exclude: Excludes folders path etc. '#1' - Excludes files which are never changed or newly added QA/Automation - Exclude the folder QA/Automation
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Referecnce: ArcheoloGit