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Example of running karate tests framework against kafka-pixy allowing us produce to/consume of messages of Kafka

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PoC Kafka Pixy Service

Kafka-Pixy is a dual API (gRPC and REST) proxy for Kafka with automatic consumer group control. It is designed to hide the complexity of the Kafka client protocol and provide a stupid simple API that is trivial to implement in any language.


  • Golang
  • Kafka environment deployment

Getting Started Kafka-pixy

To download Kafka pixy we only run the following command:

go get

NOTE: it is necessary to add kafka-pixy path to PATH environment variable

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

To run this tool, execute the command below:


You should see a log as below:

info "Starting with config: &{GRPCAddr: TCPAddr: UnixAddr: Proxies:map[default:0xc00015a000] DefaultCluster:default TLS:{CertPath: KeyPath:}}"
info "Initializing new client" category=sarama
info "client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092" category=sarama
info "Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)" category=sarama
info "Successfully initialized new client" category=sarama
info "Initializing new client" category=sarama
info "client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092" category=sarama
info </default.0/offset_mgr_f.0/mapper.0> Started
info "Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)" category=sarama
info "client/brokers registered new broker #0 at localhost:9092" category=sarama
info "Successfully initialized new client" category=sarama
info "Initializing new client" category=sarama
info "client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092" category=sarama
info </default.0/prod_merg.0> Started
info </default.0/prod_disp.0> Started
info "Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)" category=sarama
info "client/brokers registered new broker #0 at localhost:9092" category=sarama
info "Successfully initialized new client" category=sarama
info </default.0/cons.0/disp.0> Started
info </service.0> Started
info </> Started
info </grpc://> Started
info "Connected to" category=zk
info "authenticated: id=72057956397678593, timeout=15000" category=zk
info "re-submitting `0` credentials after reconnect" category=zk

Scenario 1 - Landoop docker and kafka-pixy from local

The process explain below is included in script inside scenario1 folder.

First of all, you need to download Landoop docker image from and run the command belows

docker run -d --rm -p 2181:2181 -p 3030:3030 -p 8081-8083:8081-8083 -p 9581-9585:9581-9585 -p 9092:9092 -e ADV_HOST=localhost landoop/fast-data-dev:latest

After that, you run kafka-pixy in a terminal to start the proxy. Once running, in other terminal you can run the following command to verify that the communication between kafka-pixy and landoop docker is correct.

curl -X POST 'localhost:19092/topics/foo/messages?sync' -d msg='May the Force be with you!'

To check that the message has been sent to kafka correctly you can verify it through a Kafka client, for example, Conduktor or Kafka development environment launched with Landoop docker image.

Scenario 2 - Kafka y ZK from docker-compose and kafka-pixy from local

The process explain below is included in script inside scenario2 folder.

First of all, you need to start Kafka and Zookeeper containers with the command belows:

docker-compose up -d

After that, you run kafka-pixy in a terminal to start the proxy. Once running, in other terminal you can run the following command to verify that the communication between kafka-pixy, Kafka docker and Zookeeper docker is correct.

curl -X POST 'localhost:19092/topics/foo/messages?sync' -d msg='May the Force be with you!'

To check that the message has been sent to kafka correctly you can verify it through a Kafka client, for example, Conduktor

Scenario 3 - Kafka-pixy with config file as parameter

The process explain below is included in script inside scenario3 folder.

First of all, you need to start Kafka and Zookeeper containers with the command belows:

docker-compose up -d

After that, you run kafka-pixy --config config.yaml in a terminal to start the proxy. Once running, in other terminal you can run the following command to verify that the communication between kafka-pixy, Kafka docker and Zookeeper docker is correct.

curl -X POST 'localhost:19092/topics/foo/messages?sync' -d msg='May the Force be with you!'

To check that the message has been sent to kafka correctly you can verify it through a Kafka client, for example, Conduktor

Scenario 4 - Run tests with Karate framework

All scripts for this scenario are included inside scenario4 folder.

First of all, you need to start Kafka, Zookeeper and Kafka-pixy running

After that, you should run java -jar karate.jar firstTest.feature to start the test with Karate Framework.

Once tests have been finished, run to stop Kafka and Zookeeper dockers and kafka-pixy

Reporting Karate Test results to Zephyr JIRA

If you need to report the results obtained of karate tests to Zephyr JIRA, you can use Zephyr Sync to do it. (Run with JAVA 8)

First of all, you need to add @Stories=XXXX to the Feature Scenario of Karate test

After that, run the command with a series of parameters described below:

Parameter Description Is mandatory?
--username Username of JIRA yes
--password Password of Jira yes
--reportType Type of report that will be synchronized to Zephyr (cucumber, allure, junit, nunit) yes
--projectKey Key of project in JIRA yes
--releaseVersion Release version to link Test results to yes
--jiraUrl Url of JIRA followed by /rest/ yes
--reportPath Path on the file system where reports are stored yes
--testCycle Zephyr test cycle where the results will be linked to yes
--linkType Link type between Test issue and related story (used in combination with @Stories annotation inside Karate Test Feature/Scenarios. eg @Stories=ABC-XXX) no
--forceStoryLink If set to true, sync will be failed in case at least one test doesn't have @Stories=ABC-XXX annotation no
java -jar zephyr-sync-cli-${zephyr-sync.version}-all-in-one.jar --username=${username_jira} --password={pass_jira} --reportType=cucumber --projectKey=${key_project-jira} --releaseVersion=${release_version_jira} --jiraUrl=https://${url_jira}/rest/ --reportPath=${build_target}/surefire-reports/report.json --testCycle=${zephyr_test_cycle} --linkType=Tests --forceStoryLink=false

Once executing have been finished, you could see test results reported in Zephyr Test task and in the User Story associated to the Karate test.


Example of running karate tests framework against kafka-pixy allowing us produce to/consume of messages of Kafka







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