A Streamlit app for loading data into Snowflake ❄️ that any kindergartener 👶 can use
This 25 line short Stramlit app does the following:
- Accepts a CSV file via the File Uploader component
- Creates a Pandas DataFrame from this file
- Uses Snowpark to create and load a table on Snowflake from this DataFrame
- Setup your Streamlit environment, as described here: https://quickstarts.snowflake.com/guide/getting_started_with_snowpark_for_python_streamlit/index.html?index=..%2F..index#1
- Configure your Snowflake Snowpark credentials in the creds-sample.json file.
- Run the app with Streamlit run app.py
- After uploading a file, look for the new table in Snowflake in the database and schema you configured in the credentials