This repository contains the markdown sources for the documentation for Something. You can find the current version of the Something documentation at
The documentation is generated from markdown using MkDocs.
Much of the documentation is hand-generated, so you can feel free to edit.
You are not required to test your changes locally in order to contribute. Edit right on GitHub, and let the build take care of it.
Pull requests will be merged if they are better than the existing text. They don't need to be perfect.
Here's how I define better:
- Out-of-date information is the worst.
- Emptiness is better than inaccurate information.
- Placeholders are better than emptiness.
- Any (accurate) information is better than none.
Additional links and information is great.
We will move toward a consistent style and tone after merging.
Sometimes it's desirable to have certain content repeated in a page or duplicated
across pages. This project uses a markdown-include plugin to
include content from files in the docs/common
directory prior to conversion to
HTML. It uses the {!filename!}
syntax, with all filenames relative to the
e.g. to include the content from docs/common/
into user-guide/rug/
we simply add {!!}
to the desired location in user-guide/rug/
We use the Admonition extension. Here are the available admonition styles:
- summary tldr
- hint important tip
- check done success
- attention caution warning
- fail failure missing
- danger error
- bug
- default (i.e., none of the above)
Items on the same line create a visually equivalent admonition.
Before you push changes to this repository, you should test your changes locally.
The project uses MkDocs to generate the static site and HTMLProofer to validate the generated HTML. Below are instructions to install them in a non-obtrusive way.
First install Python 3 using Homebrew on Mac OS X.
$ brew install python3
or on GNU/Linux
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6
$ curl -O
$ sudo python3.6
Then create a virtual environment to host the dependencies:
$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ mkdir ~/.venvs
$ echo "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 ~/.venvs/userdocs
With the virtual environment created, activate it in the current terminal:
$ . ~/.venvs/userdocs/bin/activate
and install the dependencies into it:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install HTMLProofer using rbenv. First install rbenv.
$ brew install rbenv
$ eval "$(rbenv init -)"
Install a recent version of Ruby using rbenv and then set that as the version to be used in this project.
$ rbenv install 2.4.1
$ rbenv local 2.4.1
Install the bundler gem.
$ gem install bundler
Finally, install HTMLProofer.
$ bundle install
Every time you want to work on this repository, you need to activate the Python virtualenv in your working terminal:
$ . ~/.venvs/userdocs/bin/activate
After making changes, you can test them by building the documentation in strict mode and running HTMLProofer on the resulting site. dfdf
$ mkdocs build --strict && ./
To review your changes in a browser, you can serve the documentation locally by running:
$ mkdocs serve
and browse the documentation at . To stop the
server, press Ctrl-C
in the terminal.
The requirements.txt
file sets specific versions for the packages.
To update to new versions, you can use the following command:
$ ( cut -d = -f 1 requirements.txt > req.txt && \
cat req.txt | xargs -n 1 pip install -U && \
pip freeze -r req.txt > requirements.txt ) ; \
rm req.txt
To update html-proofer and its dependencies:
$ bundle update
script activates the virtual environment
and builds, proofs, and serves the docs with a single command.
This documentation build process is provided to the public purely for the purpose of testing documentation changes before submitting pull requests to the appropriate Atomist repository.
Created by Atomist.
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