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Your new project at http://localhost:3000

Password: admin


  1. Run lein new closp _projectname_ -n in a different folder
  2. Run lein migrate in the newly created project (This will add an admin user with username: and password: admin to a new database)
  3. Run lein figwheel to start figwheel and compile the clojurescript.
  4. Run lein rel-jar to generate a runnable jar file.


  • closp-crud integration
  • SQlite database on filesystem as a default
  • Joplin for database migrations
  • Selmer as templating solution
  • http-kit as a server
  • cljc support
  • Figwheel with clojurescript live reloading
  • Reloading support for templates and clojure code
  • Configuration with nomad
  • User management with login/logout/registration and email activation (provided by postal)
  • Recaptcha support for signup form
  • Authentication provided by buddy
  • reagent and datascript on frontend side
  • Ring Antiforgery middleware
  • Clojure miniprofiler example
  • Componentized application
  • Datascript with reagent example
  • Booststrap css styles
  • Example for clj-webdriver tests
  • Internationalization support with tower


See it live at:
Password: admin


There is a dockerfile attached which will fetch the latest version and run an example project.


There is a closp.edn file in the resources folder which should be adapted accordingly.
Closp uses nomad, so you can configure everything as you can do with nomad.
When you start your project from the repl it will load the default closp.edn from resources folder, which fits for development.
For a different config in another environment you can pass in a file path via system environment setting like so: java -jar -Dclosp-config-path=C:\\path\\to\\iwf-prod.edn closp.jar.
Please think of changing the :env key in the config to :prod instead of :dev when changing to a different environment.


This is a module that generates html, routing and sql files for a given table definition. For more information please look here:
Short Intro:

  • Create a new definition in env/dev/entities/example.edn (Look at env/dev/entities/user.edn for an example)
  • Run lein run -m de.sveri.clospcrud.closp-crud/closp-crud -f env/dev/entities/example.edn
  • Run lein migrate to create the new database
  • Add the new routes handler to components.handler namespace
  • Reset the server
  • Browse to /example


Closp per default is configured to connect to a file SQlite database.
Additionally I added support for joplin to handle migration of sql scripts. To get started run lein migrate in the project folder. This is enough to get running. Changing the jdbc url in the closp.edn file will switch to another database. But keep in mind you will have to run the migration step again and change the jdbc url in the joplin.edn too.
The connection is handled by jdbc so everything that jdbc supports is supported by closp out of the box.
Closp comes with korma for an abstraction layer over jdbc. See db\users.clj for how it is used.

Authentication and Authorization

We use the buddy ( library for this.
Configuration is done in ns.service.auth
There is a concept of roles, admin and none are alreaded provided, you can add more in the auth namespace. Or, create a database storage for this.
Next you can find a rules def in the auth namespace which defines the access rules for every available link. For more information please look at the buddy documentation.


Closp ships with selmer (django inspired) templating solution.


There is a signup workflow implemented that sends out an email after regristration with a link to activate the account. Until the account is activated the user won't be able to login.


The signup form is protected by recaptcha. To make it work open your closp.edn file and fill these values properly:

  • :captcha-public-key
  • :private-recaptcha-key
  • :recaptcha-domain

Admin user interface

Closp ships with an administrator interface (/admin/users) to activate / deactivate users and set roles accordingly. There is also an option to add new users.

Reloading of clojure code and templates

In dev mode changes the clojure code will be recompiled and reloaded on page refresh. The same is true for the templates. Theoretically this results development without server restarts.

Clojurescripth with figwheel

When running in dev mode cljs files will be auto compiled and sent to the browser via figwheel
If you want to autoload a different cljs function you have to adapt dev.cljs and the project.clj file at [:cljsbuild :dev :figwheel].

Email system

Closp uses postal for sending authentication links. This can be configured in closp.edn.


Closp comes with some predefined components

  • Handler component
  • Configuration component
  • Database component
  • Webserver component

To restart the components just hit (reset) in the running repl.

Ring antiforgery is enabled per default for every shipped form. If you use ajax post / put / ... calls you need to provide a :X-CSRF-Token in the header. With cljs-ajax for example it would look like this:

    {:uri             url
     :method          method
     :params          content
     :headers         {:X-CSRF-Token (get-value "glob_anti_forgery")}})

Transit and cljs-ajax

There is an example on how to use cljs-ajax for doing ajax requests to the server. The request will use transit as a transport format. You can find that at the uri: "/ajax/page/init" and in the ajax.cljs file.
You need to run lein figwheel at least once to compile the clojurescript. And finally open the dev.cljs namespace and change the requiring namespace from
(:require [f.d.core :as core]) to (:require [f.d.ajax :as core])

Reagent and Datascript

Closp includes a reagent and datascript example taken from to get started with frontend development.


There is a leiningen task defined in the project.clj to generate an uberjar. Just execute lein uberjar.
By default this will include your closp.edn config file in the build from resources folder. You should at least change the :env entry to :prod or something else than :dev.
There are several ways to setup a more separated dev / staging / prod environment. Please lookup nomad for that.


Closp comes with some examples on how to use clj webdriver in your projects for integration tests. They reside in integtest\clj.

Per default the tests are run with the :htlmunit driver, which is fast, but not that good on javascript. To change that, open: app.web.setup and adapt the driver in browser-setup to :firefor or :chrome.


Closp uses for internationalization. It is configured as a component in your.ns.components.locale. You have to add additional strings / translations there to use them in your web application. For examples look at your.ns.routes.user.

Minor features.

  • Miniprofiler example in routes\user.clj -> admin-page function. The profiler is enabled in development only
  • Namspace support: Add -n option to lein new closp projectname to provide a namespace for the source files.
  • Support for flash messages with global flash div
  • Self registration can be turned on or off in the closp.edn file in the resources folder.
  • Test2junit plugin to create parseable test results.

Planned features

  • Currently working on a webui for closp crud
  • Whatever seems useful in the future.



Running lein figwheel fails with ...No such var: ana/forms-seq*...

The complete error message is:

clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: ana/forms-seq*, compiling:(figwheel_sidecar/utils.clj:49:21)

This issue is tracked in sveri/closp#20. According to the reporter upgrading to leiningen 2.5.3 fixed it for him. If it does not for you, please reopen the issue.

Could not find environment ':sqlite-dev-env'

Leiningen 2.5.2 introduced a change which broke existing joplin versions. You have to update your joplin dependencies to at least 0.2.17 to make it work with leiningen 2.5.2

I get this warning: Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: _registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element.

This will happen only in dev mode for every page where you did not explicitly register your clojurescript with. Look at dev.cljs for this line :jsload-callback (fn [] (core/main)) and change the call to (core/main) how you need it for the page you are working on right now.


Copyright © 2015 Sven Richter

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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