Just eats is a food delivery app made with Nest.js, React.js and React Native
- React native app - check the release section (completed - android app)
- Web app - https://just-eats.netlify.app/ [Currently under development - till that, prefer using android app]
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/saurabh-619/just-eats
Go to the project directory
cd just-eats/backend
cd just-eats/frontend-web
cd just-eats/frontend-mobile
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start the app
Nest.js - yarn start:dev
React.js - yarn start
React Native - expo start
1. Frontend - Next.js, React native, TailwindCSS
2. Client state - Redux
3. Server state - Apollo Client
4. API - GraphQL
5. Server: - Nest.js
- Splash screen
- Login screen
- Sign up screen
- All restaurants
- Dishes of a Restaurant
- Add a new Restaurant
- Create new order
- Order notification (Client)
- New order (Owner)
- Accept Order (Owner)
- Cooked order (Owner)
- New pickup (Delivery)
- Pick up (Delivery)
- Delivered (Delivery)
- Delivered (Client)