#Spring MVC ,JPA with Hibernate using MySql Example #This project depicts the Spring Boot Example with Spring Data JPA with Hibernate using MySql Example. #UI is Build on JSP and JSTL Libraries
Description This Project is Customers Traking System which are stored in the MySql Database. Using the following endpoints, different operations can be achieved:
/customer/list - This returns the list of Customer in the Users table which is created in MySql Table (users)
/customer/showFormForAdd - Adding Data new Entry
/customer/showFormForUpdate - This updates the name of the user for the userId passed in the URL
/rest/delete - Deleting Data
Libraries used
Spring Boot Spring MVC (Spring Web) Spring Data JPA with Hibernate MySql JSTL library
Tools used Git 2.10.0 IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 MySql running locally
Compilation Command mvn clean install - Plain maven clean and install