A solver for Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization that uses Frank-Wolfe methods for convex relaxations and a branch-and-bound algorithm.
The Boscia.jl solver uses a combination of a variant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm and a branch-and-bound-like algorithm to solve mixed-integer convex optimization problems. These problems are of the form: min_{x ∈ C, x_I ∈ Z^n} f(x), This approach is particularly effective if we can solve the mixed-integer linear minimization problem over C efficiently and handle the integer constraints. The set C is specified using the MathOptInterface API or any domain-specific language (DSL) like Julia for Mathematical Programming (JuMP) that implements this API. The paper presenting the package with mathematical explanations and numerous examples can be found here:
Convex integer optimization with Frank-Wolfe methods: 2208.11010
uses FrankWolfe.jl
for solving the convex subproblems, Bonobo.jl
for managing the search tree, and oracles optimizing linear functions over the feasible set, for instance calling SCIP or any MOI-compatible solver to solve MIP subproblems.
Once you have installed Julia , From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run
pkg > add Boscia
or alternatively via Pkg in any Julia code:
import Pkg
If you want to use SCIP within Boscia and your OS is windows, you will have download SCIP separately, see SCIP.jl. Note that you do not necessarily have to download the binaries but can also use the installer provided by SCIP.
For Window Users You need not to download whole SCIP binary instead you can follow Custom Installation mentioned on this page and download and link SCIP with your JULIA .
Here is a simple example to get started. For more examples, see the examples folder in the package.
using Boscia
using FrankWolfe
using Random
using SCIP
using LinearAlgebra
import MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface
n = 6
const diffw = 0.5 * ones(n)
o = SCIP.Optimizer()
MOI.set(o, MOI.Silent(), true)
x = MOI.add_variables(o, n)
for xi in x
MOI.add_constraint(o, xi, MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
MOI.add_constraint(o, xi, MOI.LessThan(1.0))
MOI.add_constraint(o, xi, MOI.ZeroOne())
lmo = FrankWolfe.MathOptLMO(o)
function f(x)
return sum(0.5*(x.-diffw).^2)
function grad!(storage, x)
@. storage = x-diffw
x, _, result = Boscia.solve(f, grad!, lmo, verbose = true)
Boscia Algorithm.
Parameter settings.
Tree traversal strategy: Move best bound
Branching strategy: Most infeasible
Absolute dual gap tolerance: 1.000000e-06
Relative dual gap tolerance: 1.000000e-02
Frank-Wolfe subproblem tolerance: 1.000000e-05
Total number of varibales: 6
Number of integer variables: 0
Number of binary variables: 6
Iteration Open Bound Incumbent Gap (abs) Gap (rel) Time (s) Nodes/sec FW (ms) LMO (ms) LMO (calls c) FW (Its) #ActiveSet Discarded
* 1 2 -1.202020e-06 7.500000e-01 7.500012e-01 Inf 3.870000e-01 7.751938e+00 237 2 9 13 1 0
100 27 6.249998e-01 7.500000e-01 1.250002e-01 2.000004e-01 5.590000e-01 2.271914e+02 0 0 641 0 1 0
127 0 7.500000e-01 7.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.770000e-01 2.201040e+02 0 0 695 0 1 0
Blended Pairwise Conditional Gradient Algorithm.
MEMORY_MODE: FrankWolfe.InplaceEmphasis() STEPSIZE: Adaptive EPSILON: 1.0e-7 MAXITERATION: 10000 TYPE: Float64
GRADIENTTYPE: Nothing LAZY: true lazy_tolerance: 2.0
[ Info: In memory_mode memory iterates are written back into x0!
Type Iteration Primal Dual Dual Gap Time It/sec #ActiveSet
Last 0 7.500000e-01 7.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 1.086583e-03 0.000000e+00 1
PP 0 7.500000e-01 7.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 1.927792e-03 0.000000e+00 1
Solution Statistics.
Solution Status: Optimal (tree empty)
Primal Objective: 0.75
Dual Bound: 0.75
Dual Gap (relative): 0.0
Search Statistics.
Total number of nodes processed: 127
Total number of lmo calls: 699
Total time (s): 0.58
LMO calls / sec: 1205.1724137931035
Nodes / sec: 218.96551724137933
LMO calls / node: 5.503937007874016