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Table of contents

  1. Members
  2. Introduction
  3. Goals
  4. Boundary conditions
  5. Build Instructions
  6. Operation manual
  7. User Stories
  8. Release plan
  9. Documentation Sprint 1
  10. Documentation Sprint 2
  11. Documentation Sprint 3
  12. Test cases due to acceptance criterion


Adrian Rosser, Audric Strümpler, David Buchleither, Remy Meyer, Thomas Penner


The project "Trinat Marks" and the corresponding Git repository was developed as part of a project work in the course Software Engineering in the study course Mechatronics trinational. The implementation was realized with Java.


The aim is to translate the competences learned in the subjects Programing and Software Engineering into an independent student project. Our project is a grade calculator.

The goal is to give the student an overview of his academic achievements.

He has the possibility to create individual modules and to equip them with subordinated subjects.

The students study in three different countries (Germany, France, Switzerland) and receive grades in three different grading systems. It should therefore be possible to use the grading calculator independently of the grading system.

The passed modules are highlighted in green, the failed modules in red.

In addition, it is possible to save the scores that have been inserted and completed.

Boundary conditions

The application should be programmed in JAVA and the classes of the program should have the corresponding unit tests.

The project should be published on GitHub.

We want to divide the program into different classes and structure them with methods.

The condition is that this program can be used by MAC, Windows and LinuxComputers.

Build Instruction

  1. Download the file from our repository in Github.

  2. Extract the downloaded file into the desired folder.

  3. Trinat-Marks need the (Trinat-Marks.jar) , (logo_trinational.jpg) and (Semester1.txt to Semester6.txt) files to be launch

  4. Copy this files to your work / study folder to launch everytime the Trinat-Marks calculator

  5. Double-click on the Trinat-Marks.jar" file to launch the Calculator


  1. Copy (Strg+c) the path of the Trinat-Marks file (.jar) to the clipboard.

  2. Open the console of your computer.

  3. Enter java -jar followed by the copied path (.jar) . java -jar */Trinat-Marks.jar

  4. Confirm your entry with Enter.

Operation manual

A short functional description of our calculator:

  1. Start application according to build instructions

  2. A window will open with six semsters and two buttons. With the button "Add Module" you have the possibility to add a module.


  1. After the module has been added, you can add a subject. If you want to, you can give the module and subject a name.


  1. Inside the subject you are now able to add all the marks from that particular subject.


  1. Afterwards you have the possibility to insert your mark. It doesn't make any difference in which grading system you insert the mark. The program automatically converts the marks in the other two grading systems.


  1. There is also a textfield where you can set the coefficient for each mark. Make sure that all the coefficients add up to 100%.


  1. If the mark isn´t sufficient, the mark should be displayed in red, otherwise in green.

  2. Next to the "Add Module" button there is another button with the name "Save Semester". Click that button before you close the window, so your newly added elements can be saved. Note: you have to save each semester separately.


User Stories

User Story 1 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a user I want to have the bars turn red if my marks are not good so that I can see easely which Modul I have focus on High 2 The program should mark all notes which are worse than the French 10.0 in red, otherwise in green.

User Story 2 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a classleader I want to save a semester configuration to share it with all class members Realy low 13 The file can be saved and can be made available to other students.

User Story 3 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a user I want to save my marks so I dont have to reenter my results every time I use the programm Low 13 by pressing the "save" button, all inserted marks will be saved.

User Story 4 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
The Semester schould be configurable as I want for a sustainable programm High 5 Each function has its own button which allows you to add more marks and modules.

User Story 5 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a student, I want to delete marks and modules Low 8 Each function has its own button which allows you to remove marks and modules.

User Story 6 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a student, I want to add new marks High 2 There is a button which allows you to add marks.

User Story 7 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a student I would like to have my grade average displayed to know if I have passed my modul High 3 The program calculates the inserted marks with the respective coefficients and calculates the total average, which is displayed.

User Story 8 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a student I want to define a coefficent for each topic and mark High 2 There is a text field in which the respective coefficients can be entered.

User Story 9 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a student, I want to get from 1 input mark the other two marks Realy high 8 There are 3 text fields for the mark of each country. If the mark is inserted there it will also be displayed in the other 2 text fields.

User Story 10 Prioritisation Story Point Acceptance criterium
As a User I want to enter with a interface a mark in all nationalities to be flexible High 2 There are 3 text fields for the respective country mark, so the user has the possibility to fill these as desired.

Release plan

Userstory Release 1 Release 2 Release 3
1 Expansion stage 1
2 Expansion stage 2
3 Expansion stage 2
4 Expansion stage 2
5 Expansion stage 1
6 Basic requirement
7 Expansion stage 1
8 Basic requirement
9 Basic requirement
10 Basic requirement

Info: The time between each realese is 1 week.

Documentation Sprint 1

User Story Tasks Time estimation in minutes
10 Mark input in any language 40
9 Entering a mark, output to the other two 160
8 Create own coefficients 40
6 Adding new marks 40

Inteface Mark

Documentation Sprint 2

User Story Tasks Time estimation in minutes
1 Grade worse than (F10.0) D(4.0) CH(4.0) mark red 20
5 Delete marks, modules and semesters 160
7 Display grade average 60


Documentation Sprint 3

User Story Tasks Time estimation in minutes
2 Save and share semester configuration 200
3 Save notes 200
4 Sustainable programm 60


Test cases due to acceptance criterion

Our program has been extensively tested by all contributors over 5 days.

Afterwards we programmed two JUnits tests.


Marks overview of Trinat Students






No releases published


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