Vorlage für Abgabe der Aufgaben verteilte Systeme 2 (HS2020)
sample non-modular project to run with Maven
If you run on Linux or Mac, follow these steps:
cd to the folder trinat-vs2-2020
To run the project:
./mvnw clean javafx:run
To create a fat jar:
./mvnw clean compile package
java -jar shade/trinat-vs2-2020.jar
If you run on Windows, follow these steps:
cd to the folder trinat-vs2-2020
To run the project:
mvnw compile javafx:run
To create a fat jar:
mvnw clean compile package
java -jar shade\trinat-vs2-2020.jar
Navigate to Import->Maven->Check out Maven project from scm
If there is no git connector available... please install it