To start our adventure in the world of video game development we decided divide ourselves into two teams. In this way, each of the teams would create a small game in 2-3 weeks to test our development skills and teamwork. This is Team 2's project.
This videogame is a simple 2D linear car game, where the player only has to focus on dodging obstacles and taking power-ups. And who wins? In standard mode, as you can guess, the first to reach the finish line is the winner. However, in our secret mode, the winner is the last to arrive, completely changing the rules of the game! Thanks to the online ranking you can compete with your friends to get the best times (or the worst).
The game was developed on Unity 2019.4.9f1 (latest LTS version available at the moment). Additionally, GitHub was used for the repository and to automate the compilations and execution of the tests. On the other hand, Discord, Google Drive and Trello were used for messaging, document management and tasks management respectively.
This game is not considered as finished and some changes and corrections would have to be made to be able to be called "a real game".