A Python library that provides an api to search and get links from Books,Magazines,Comics,... from Library Genesis.
- Python 2/3
- Grab library and it's dependencies.
Two options:
- Clone this repo and use "python setup.py install"
- Use pip, "pip install libgenapi"
import libgenapi
lg=libgenapi.Libgenapi(["http://[INSERT MIRROR DOMAIN 1 HERE].com","http://[INSERT MIRROR DOMAIN 2 HERE].com]) # You can add as many mirrors as you want.
Then the results are something like this (but... without the crazyness :P real links and titles...):
"author":"Dat Guy",
"series":"Library of New Guy Studies volume 420",
"title":"Dat perfect 5/7 Title !",
"edition":"[1 ed.]",
"publisher":"WHo knows? Me no!",
"size":"420 kb",
You can also choose the column to search like this:
l.search("93438924","identifier") # Identifier is ISBN
You can make a quick command to search using an alias, for example in zsh you can add this to your .zshrc:
alias lgen="python -c 'import sys;import libgenapi;l=libgenapi.Libgenapi("http://[INSERTDOMAINHERE]/");print(l.search(sys.argv[1]))'"