In this project we aim to do simple Lane Detection to mimic Lane Departure Warning systems used in Self Driving Cars. We are provided with two video sequences, taken from a self-driving car. Our task will be to design an algorithm to detect lanes on the road, as well as estimate the road curvature to predict car turns. For detailed report on the project checkout this link.
● We are given the camera matrix and the distortion coefficients, we will use them to undistort the image and further we will use the resultant ROI to crop the image to remove the black padding due to undistortion.
● Then, we will convert the image to grayscale and narrow the roi below the horizon.
● Further we will apply aggressive thresholding(>230) to select white pixels from the frame.
● Next, we will apply gaussian blur and erosion with a 5*5 kernel to remove the excess noise generated by surrounding objects in the image other than the lanes.
● In this step we will use canny edge detection to detect the lines.
● As a general rule we will apply probabilistic hough transform to find lines in the canny edge detection result with parameters (rho=4, theta=np.pi/180, threshold=30, minLineLength=20, maxLineGap=180).
● As, we know hough lines algorithm outputs multiple lines for an edge, so we have select the most prominent lines from them. We will use the line selection function to choose the 2 most prominent lane lines.
● As the video is subject to background noise, it is possible that the lanes are not detected in some frames and this may result in jitteriness in the lane detection algorithm, to counter this we use a moving average function of the lane points to smooth out the jittery results.
● Next, we call the turn prediction function to detect the upcoming turn based on the slope of the centre line.
● Finally, we fill the lane mesh using the lane points and cv2.fillpoly function on a new image and we do bitwise_or operation to get the transparent lane effect on the final image.
● We are given the camera matrix and the distortion coefficients, we will use them to undistort the image and further we will use the resultant ROI to crop the image to remove the black padding due to undistortion.
● Next, we warp the image to see the bird’s eye view and we narrow the image to remove the vignette.
● Further, we create a mask of hsv values to detect the yellow line in the warped image. The lower and upper hsv values will be [20,100,100] and [30,255,255] to separate the yellow colour. Also, we apply a threshold to convert the yellow values to white.
● Next, we apply an aggressive threshold on the warped image to get the white lane.
● After this we combine the yellow and white threshold images using bitwise_or operator.
● After this, we apply gaussian blur to remove any noise that might have creeped in the lane detection pipeline.
● Next step is polynomial fitting to the lane curves. For this step we take individual threshold images of the yellow and white images and use np.argwhere(thresh == 255) to find the white pixels in the image.
● We feed these pixel locations into the standard least square function and fit a parabola to them to get the equation constants.
● Next we generate x values using np.linspace() and corresponding y values using the parabola constants.
● We feed these values in the trapezium_coordinates function to get the max_x, max_y and min_x, min_y values, we use this to correct the fittedparabola. We also fill the gap in the curve if the lanes are not touching the y extremes in the image.
● Furthermore we do a similar process with yellow pixels.
● Finally, we fill the lane mesh using the lane points and cv2.fillpoly function on a new image.
● We use these lane lines to call the turn prediction function to detect the upcoming turn based on the slope of the centre line.
● Next, we unwarp the image to its original perspective using the H_inverse matrix.
● At last we perform bitwise_or between this image and the original image to get a transparent lane mesh and we apply a sharpen filter to sharpen the smoothening done by moving the average filter.
Change the directory for the first dataset in the file.
Run the below command to run the lane detection system on dataset1:
Change the directory for the second dataset in the file.\
Run the below command to run the lane detection system on dataset2:
- ENPM 673, Robotics Perception - Theory behind Homography Estimation